Shayna Several years ago I was dining with the vice-president of a major dental technology company and shortly after being seated, we quickly fell into deep, intense discussion.

Then we were interrupted by a young server with a bright smile. "I'm sorry," she said, "I can tell you are in a serious conversation, but I just want to tell you – I'm serious too. I'm serious about the food here and I'm serious about making sure you have a great meal and a great time. So, can I get you started with drinks?"

She was so charming that we couldn't help but laugh. Throughout the evening she continued to impress us with her efficiency and her genuine thoughtfulness. This was someone who obviously loved what she did and was great at it.

Toward the end of our meal my dining guest began talking with her more and finding out more about her background (they both had degrees in Biology, it turns out). He ended up handing her his card and said, "Call me. I want you to come work for me."

I know an opportunity when I see one, and I admit I am competitive. So as we were leaving, I pulled her aside and handed her my card. "Never mind him," I said half-jokingly. "You want to work for me. Give me your number and I'll have someone get in touch with you tomorrow. Because you are great at this, but you deserve an opportunity to do even more."

Those of you reading this who are familiar with our CEREC programs know the person I am talking about. Her name is Shayna and she has been an outstanding addition to our CEREC team. The doctors who deal with her inevitably come away with the same impression I did that first night I met her in the restaurant. Now she is charming them.

Shayna had absolutely no experience in the dental industry when we hired her, but I didn't care. We could teach her that. But you can't teach passion, and that is what I saw in her; that's what made me compete for her.

The primary consideration when hiring anyone should be their sense of passion. Of course when you are hiring a hygienist or assistant, the right credentials are important too. However, don't make your decisions based only on lines in a resume. Take a chance on someone who may not have the experience but shows all the signs of having the right attitude. Hire people with passion who really want to learn and grow and who obviously love what they do. In other words, hire people I would try to steal.


Commenter's Profile Image Mark J Fleming DDS
October 8th, 2013
I always enjoy hearing that story. And I am fortunate to work with Shayna during the courses!
Commenter's Profile Image Justin T.
October 8th, 2013
This is such a great story! Shayna is such a joy to communicate and work with. She is always bright and cheery over the phone and through email when I am calling to set up Dr. Wynnykiw's courses. She is ready with an answer and jumps at the chance to help. We all love her dearly in our office and its always great to see her in person in Scottsdale!
Commenter's Profile Image Jennifer Mattix
October 8th, 2013
I never get tired of hearing Shaynas story. I wish all hires were as hard working and committed as she is!
Commenter's Profile Image Brian Toorani
October 8th, 2013
Shayna is Awesome and it has been a pleasure getting to know her and now consider her a great friend. I believe great things come to those who care, who give, and who deserve! Shayna deserves every bit of the recognition and happiness! -BT
Commenter's Profile Image Sara Marterella
October 8th, 2013
Great celebration, Imtiaz! Thanks for sharing ~ hiring for the right attitude is brilliant. The rest can be taught. :)
Commenter's Profile Image Cindy Schonert
October 8th, 2013
What a GREAT story! Passion is absolutely a non-negotiable attribute when hiring - passion can also be contagious among a team! Thanks for sharing Imtiaz!
Commenter's Profile Image Paul Caselle
October 8th, 2013
It is an incredibly awesome story that I wish more people would embrace - be passionate about what you do. So many employees go through the motions and never understand the difference between a job and a career. I look at applications for positions in my office and this lack of passion is manifest in how they present themselves. It is no wonder they can't find a position.
Commenter's Profile Image Dr. Charles LoGiudice
October 8th, 2013
When I think of the Scottsdale Center, I think of Shayna first. She's the best.
Commenter's Profile Image Barkley Bastian
October 9th, 2013
I love this story, Shayna you are absolutely awesome. Imtiaz, thank you for for hiring her and for sharing this story, perfect timing for us as we are looking for someone to add to our team. Hire for attitude and teach them the skills.
Commenter's Profile Image Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Orthodontic Specialist
October 9th, 2013
Great story. Thank you sharing it!
Commenter's Profile Image Mark Colonna
October 9th, 2013
Shayna is amazing...ALWAYS returns calls and emails...nice story!
Commenter's Profile Image Shayna
October 10th, 2013
Thank you all for the kind comments! I am very flattered by all of this and have to admit, i do LOVE what I do at Spear and the people I am surrounded by.
Commenter's Profile Image Edward Aziz
December 17th, 2013
I liked that fortunate situation passion is essential to hire someone with experience also then comes credentials