Take a moment to watch this brief video:

Change Your Words, Change Your World

That is quite a poignant reminder, isn’t it, of the power of the right words to elicit the right response? It’s a reminder that we, as human beings, are more likely to be moved to action if you reach us at an emotional, as well as a rational, level.

This is something that all great dentists understand. You can’t just lay out the clinical rationale behind a treatment plan and expect the patient to get excited. You have to explain, in clear, simple language what it will mean to them in terms they can relate to. How will their life be changed by going from dentures to implants? Will their new smile make them look younger? Will they be able to chew hard foods again without discomfort? In other words, how is this going to make them feel?

It’s not just talk, and it’s not about selling. It’s about reaching people in a way that makes them really understand the possibilities you are presenting. The way we do that is through language. As the video says, “Change your words. Change your world.”


Commenter's Profile Image Della Summers
February 9th, 2015
What a wonderful example of the topic you're presenting......Loved it!
Commenter's Profile Image Julie Buchanan
February 9th, 2015
That was really a great reminder for us. Thx you!
Commenter's Profile Image Kathy Noordeh
February 10th, 2015
indeed so much of our experiences in life has to do with the words that we chose to use. Thank you for sharing this video. We are so lucky to be part of the Spear community.