Change is a fundamental part of life, and life in a dental practice is no exception. There will always be changes: your team, your patients, practice, technology and what patients expect. You can react to the changes as circumstances dictate. Or you can embrace change and actively pursue new directions, not because you have to but because you want to. Bringing new ideas into the practice inspires a sense of purpose and because it keeps you passionate and excited about what you do.

This is a key thought to remember as you gear up for the next calendar year:

Embracing change keeps you on top of your game.

Take a look at the most successful people around you; you'll find that they don't resist change in their routine—they demand it. They know that staying on top of their game means continual exploration and reinvention. Successful people understand that each success is a springboard to a new level and they insist on devoting a significant portion of their time to re-examining what they do and looking for ways to do it better. They're not just interested in making a living. These individuals are committed to creating a life. That's why you'll notice that almost every truly successful dentist you see spends a lot of time in the company of other dentists who also embrace change; they continually challenge and support each other on their journey from one level to the next.

This is what meaningful growth is all about. Not necessarily economic growth—although that is certainly a welcome side effect—but rather the kind of personal growth that is so vital in keeping our lives purposeful and fulfilling. It's about surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded people who share your passion and who facilitate your progress; people who see your higher value and inspire you to reach the next level.

Most important though, it's about you seeing your higher value. That's what gets you out there and into the company of other leaders in the first place. It's important to recognize that voice within that drives you to stay on top of your game. This is the voice of a champion that says "That was awesome, what's next?"