Human beings are capable of doing extraordinary things and achieving amazing success when they put their minds to reaching a clearly defined goal. We have all seen evidence of the power of focus and have probably experienced it for ourselves. Yet in a world where the ability to multi-task is considered an invaluable asset, how often do we really get a chance to focus our minds on any one particular thing for any sustained length of time? It seems like a luxury of time that we can't afford.


However, focusing hard on one issue at a time is exactly the best way to see real improvement in a relatively short time. That's why I suggest that instead of presenting your team with an agenda full of areas for improvement you should select an area of special focus for each quarter and go deep with it.

Maybe this quarter you zero in on case acceptance by setting goals and implementing daily tracking. In the next quarter you shift focus to something else: retention, scheduling, invitations, or number of CEREC or implant cases.

This doesn't mean that you forget about all the other factors that go into practice success. Your team should still be expected to maintain standards across the board. This just means that your focus for growth is going to be isolated and you'll be using your resources, time and energy accordingly.

It's also important that this be a quarterly focus. If you try to do it monthly you'll find that the team is being asked to change gears just at the time they are achieving some momentum. A quarterly timeframe gives them the opportunity to apply their efforts to one area of improvement until it truly "sticks" and becomes a part of their muscle memory. Once this new level of competence has been locked in, you should move on to the next challenge.

The way real success over the long term is achieved is by minimizing backsliding. Each step the team masters becomes another step toward an ideal life in dentistry.


Special Announcement:
Are you going to the Hinman Meeting this week? I'll be speaking there on the following topics:

Creating Vision and Value for Patients in the Current Consumer and Economic Landscape (Course #Th303)
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room: GWCC, B402

Hands-On Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry (Course #Th116)
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room: GWCC, Ex Hall Rm 5

Achieving Excellence in Assisting (Course #Fr233)
8:30- 4:00 PM (I'll be speaking from 3PM to 4PM) Room: GWCC, A305

Hands-On Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry (Course #Fr132)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room: GWCC, Ex Hall Rm 5

Mastering Contemporary Dental Transitions (Course #Sa353)
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Room: GWCC, B310

I look forward to connecting—or reconnecting—in person with any Spear Review readers in attendance. See you in Atlanta!