
The latest Spear Hygiene course, Impact of Mouth Breathing on Oral and General Health, Part 2, is now available! In this course, dental hygienist Trisha O’Hehir picks up where she left off in Part 1 of this series. Mouth breathers can experience serious breathing and facial structure issues, particularly in children. The three lessons of this course detail the early habits that can lead to mouth breathing, such as bottle feeding, pacifier use and thumb sucking. Additionally, she goes into detail about ankyloglossia and how this can impact tongue function, leading to mouth breathing. This course also offers three steps to follow that can help mouth breathers switch back to nasal breathing.


After viewing this course, you will:

  • Understand tongue function and the impact of ankyloglossia
  • Screen patients for mouth breathing habits
  • Implement three steps to switch mouth breathers back to nose breathing

Abigail Pfeiffer is the Editor for Spear Education


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