The other issue is the occlusal plane, most noticeably in the lower arch. She knows she grinds her teeth and she has been evaluated for sleep disorders. She is wearing a CPAP with success, and she thinks she is grinding much less as long as she uses the machine.
So, how do we change the lower arch and make restorative room? When there is this much wear, it is not uncommon for overjet and overbite to diminish, as is the case here. That means that if we would like the orthodontist to intrude these teeth, there is no place to put brackets and not have them get knocked off by the upper teeth.

Another issue is the number of teeth that need to be intruded—all of the lower incisors, the left canine and premolars and even the first molar. How do we move all of those teeth without orthognathic surgery?
With TADs (Temporary Anchorage Devices), the orthodontist can move segments of teeth at the same time instead of having to do it incrementally one or two teeth at a time. These small implants are surgical screws that are placed below the level of the roots of teeth being moved and allow the orthodontist to pull against the screws and intrude the teeth.
The question then remains, how does the orthodontist place brackets? The solution is by simply bonding composite onto the occlusal surfaces of the lower posterior teeth to open the bite in the anterior. This allows for room for brackets to be placed without fear of them interfering with the anterior teeth. In this case about 1-1.5mm of composite was added to the second molars to open the bite about 4mm in the anterior.

The process takes about 45 minutes to complete and the composite is adjusted to a single contact on each posterior tooth.
Implants make life easier is many clinical situations and this case is a great example.
Steve Ratcliff, D.D.S., M.S., Spear Faculty and Contributing Author

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