Beyond Restoration
Get Your Team Up to Speed on Occlusion
By Denise Prichard on May 20, 2014 | 0 comments
Unfortunately, the term occlusion can often be connected with confusion, ambiguity and varying philosophies that can often make askew the comfort levels of the dental team when working with patients that have occlusal issues.
Our new staff training course, A Deeper Look at Occlusion for the Dental Team: Muscles, is designed to equip your team with a thorough understanding of the muscles that play a role in dental occlusion – in terms that the dentist, team and patients can all understand and communicate clearly and effectively.
After viewing this course, your team will be able to:
- Identify four key components that affect occlusion
- Identify key muscles and their role in ideal occlusion
- Understand importance and technique of muscle examination and evaluation
- Understand impact muscles can have on the system
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