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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Treating Class V Lesions

Treating Class V Lesions

Dr. Frank Spear discusses his process of performing Class V restorations with this short case study.

| 6 years ago
Ankylosis Part I: Etiology and Considerations

Ankylosis Part I: Etiology and Considerations

This article discusses potential etiologies and diagnostic practices for ankylosed teeth.

| 6 years ago
8 Simple Steps for Managing Your Patient's Toothache

8 Simple Steps for Managing Your Patient's Toothache

This article details eight simple steps to follow when diagnosing and treating a patient who comes in with a toothache.

| 6 years ago
The Extended Series of Dental Photographs

The Extended Series of Dental Photographs

In this article, Dr. Courtney Lavigne shares more of her go-to patient photos for better diagnosis and overall treatment planning.

| 6 years ago
Guidebook of Tooth Preparation Design

Guidebook of Tooth Preparation Design

Looking for a guide to better preparation design? This article will help you navigate the nuances of outcome-based preparation design for more efficient...

| 6 years ago
4 Vital Images For Your Dental Lab

4 Vital Images For Your Dental Lab

This article covers how and why to take and implement these four critical patient photos in your practice.

| 6 years ago
Maxillary Prosthesis Retained by Two Dental Implants

Maxillary Prosthesis Retained by Two Dental Implants

There are pros and cons to using only two dental implants when retaining maxillary prostheses.

| 7 years ago
6 Basic Photography Images To Improve Your Practice

6 Basic Photography Images To Improve Your Practice

If you're wondering how to use digital photography to improve your practice, start by mastering these six basic photos.

| 7 years ago
Lab Communication: Shade and Surface Texture

Lab Communication: Shade and Surface Texture

Learn why photography is the most effective way of communicating shade and surface texture to your lab technicians.

| 7 years ago
My Favorite Photograph: It Tells the Whole Story (Almost)

My Favorite Photograph: It Tells the Whole Story (Almost)

This article discusses characteristics of great clinical patient photography that will increase case success, improve treatment planning and aid in diagnosis.

| 7 years ago
An Overview of Radiographic Technologies in General Dentistry

An Overview of Radiographic Technologies in General Dentistry

Dr. Kevin Huff outlines the main types of radiographic technology used in general dentistry.

| 7 years ago
An Intro To Basic DSLR Camera Settings

An Intro To Basic DSLR Camera Settings

Dr. Courtney Lavigne gives an overview of basic DSLR camera settings every dentist should know in order to ensure successful photography in their practice.

| 7 years ago