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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Anterior Repositioning Appliance: The Night Guard You Never Heard Of

Anterior Repositioning Appliance: The Night Guard You Never Heard Of

A splint anterior repositioning appliance that is not traditionally mentioned in dental school can be a very successful design.

| 4 years ago
Do I Have 'TMJ?'

Do I Have 'TMJ?'

Learn to clarify the confusion about the diagnosis of TMJ, TMD, TMJD, and other temporomandibular joint disorders.

| 4 years ago
Material Update: LuxaCrown

Material Update: LuxaCrown

LuxaCrown is similar to provisional materials, but lasts up to five years, making it an excellent option for long-term provisionals, transitional restorations...

| 4 years ago
A Technique for Evaluating the Continuity of Implant Hex Connections

A Technique for Evaluating the Continuity of Implant Hex Connections

Dr. Bonk describes an implant impression technique that provides for definitive observation of the integrity of the hex.

| 4 years ago
Bonding a Titanium Base to an Implant Abutment or Crown: Is There an Optimal Material and Technique?

Bonding a Titanium Base to an Implant Abutment or Crown: Is There an Optimal Material and Technique?

It is critical to follow the manufacturers recommendations for implant abutments and crowns, but also to be aware of independent research.

| 4 years ago
Immediate Implant Placement in a Maxillary Molar Site with a Personalized Healing Abutment

Immediate Implant Placement in a Maxillary Molar Site with a Personalized Healing Abutment

Learn a step-by-step technique for more confidence in your placement of a Straumann BLX implant with a personalized healing abutment fabricated with flowable...

| 4 years ago
Is TMD Too Minimally Diagnosed?

Is TMD Too Minimally Diagnosed?

With a better understanding of temporomandibular disorders, clinicians can serve more patients and refer less patients out of their practice.

| 4 years ago
White Balance – the Unsung Hero in Dental Photography

White Balance – the Unsung Hero in Dental Photography

Learn simple steps to master dental photography that accurately showcases esthetics.

| 4 years ago
Printing an Occlusal Guard

Printing an Occlusal Guard

Follow these 10 steps to understand how to make occlusal appliances in your...

| 4 years ago
The Use of a Plaster Verification Jig to Ensure Accuracy of the Master Cast Jig

The Use of a Plaster Verification Jig to Ensure Accuracy of the Master Cast Jig

Dr. Mitrani's visual essay outlines steps to understand materials and techniques to fabricate a plaster verification jig.

| 4 years ago
Dual-Arch Impressions: ‘Triple-Tray’ Technique – the Good, Bad and Ugly

Dual-Arch Impressions: ‘Triple-Tray’ Technique – the Good, Bad and Ugly

Learn the 'triple-tray' impression technique and 9 tips on how to apply it in your...

| 4 years ago
My Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Didn’t Work - Now What?

My Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Didn’t Work - Now What?

Consider learning these alternatives to IANB for anesthetic techniques to help ensure patients are more comfortable.

| 4 years ago