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Spear Digest Dental Articles

EFSB Guide 2016: Revised for Easier Use

EFSB Guide 2016: Revised for Easier Use

Learn how to get the outcomes you desire for your patients with our updated Esthetics-Function-Structure-Biology Checklist.

| 7 years ago
How to Get the Most Out of Analog Articulators

How to Get the Most Out of Analog Articulators

Analog articulators may be considered 'old school,' but there are advantages to using them.

| 8 years ago
Etchmaster Now Part of Spear Armamentarium

Etchmaster Now Part of Spear Armamentarium

Spear has added multiple Etchmaster units, an in-operatory etching unit by Groman Dental, to one of our campus workshop labs.

| 8 years ago
Two Steps to Better Bonding in Dental Restorations

Two Steps to Better Bonding in Dental Restorations

Besides the two steps to better bonding, we also cover solutions to potential problems with etching and silane application.

| 8 years ago
A Tooth Wear Case

A Tooth Wear Case

In this tooth wear case study, we look at overcoming the fear and frustration of treating worn dentition by using Facially Generated Treatment Planning.

| 8 years ago
Three People You Need to Grow a Dental Practice

Three People You Need to Grow a Dental Practice

Growing a dental practice takes more than just one person. Dr. Gary DeWood divulges the three people dentists need on this journey.

| 8 years ago
Selecting the Best Temporary Occlusal Appliances

Selecting the Best Temporary Occlusal Appliances

Dr. Gary DeWood compares and contrasts anterior and posterior temporary occlusal appliances.

| 8 years ago
The Rule of Twos

The Rule of Twos

The Rule of Twos is an observation that I believe we all need to add to our protocol, particularly for children. Early detection can mean the difference...

| 8 years ago
Become a Better Client With The Lab Check-In Checklist

Become a Better Client With The Lab Check-In Checklist

The use of checklists is a proven strategy to reduce errors and increase predictability. This strategy propelled mobile surgical clinics in Africa and...

| 8 years ago
Take It Off

Take It Off

Dentists are conservative. This is generally an admirable trait when holding a rotary instrument and removing tooth structure. As with any virtue,...

| 8 years ago
Modern Dentistry - It’s NOT the Disease, it’s the PERSON

Modern Dentistry - It’s NOT the Disease, it’s the PERSON

If you know me you are very aware of my belief that dentistry is way less about teeth and procedures than it is about the patient.  In fact, I extend...

| 8 years ago
Emergency Coverage Groups for Dentists

Emergency Coverage Groups for Dentists

Why is it that emergencies happen at the most inconventient times?  If you had only known you were going to have that heart attack you could have...

| 9 years ago