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Spear Digest Dental Articles

A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 2: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 2: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

In the conclusion to this series, Dr. Jim McKee goes through the process of diagnosing, and offering treatment options to a new dental patient with jaw...

| 1 year ago
A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 1: The Letter

A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 1: The Letter

In the first of a 2-part series, Dr. Jim McKee shares a letter he received from a new dental patient he was about to see—and breaks down the significance of...

| 1 year ago
To Accept or Not to Accept Dental Insurance Benefits?  3 Questions You Need to Answer First

To Accept or Not to Accept Dental Insurance Benefits? 3 Questions You Need to Answer First

Spear VP of Practice Growth Strategy, Amy Morgan, outlines the questions every dentist should ask before deciding whether to accept dental insurance benefits.

| 1 year ago
Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Dental Patient Retention

Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Dental Patient Retention

By looking deeper into your patient base and asking yourself these 5 questions, you can increase dental patient retention and grow your...

| 1 year ago
OSHA Training for Dental Assistants:  Empowering Your Dental Team

OSHA Training for Dental Assistants: Empowering Your Dental Team

OSHA training for dental assistants that focuses on bloodborne pathogens and hazard communication will empower your team to take ownership of workplace...

| 1 year ago
Quick 5-Step Guide to Hiring and Training Dental Team Members

Quick 5-Step Guide to Hiring and Training Dental Team Members

With this 5-step guide, hiring and training dental team members will bring more effective and longer lasting results in this competitive job market.

| 1 year ago
Informed Decision-Making in a Patient’s Buyer’s Journey: The “Bottega Argument”

Informed Decision-Making in a Patient’s Buyer’s Journey: The “Bottega Argument”

Dr. Mitrani shares a strategy for helping to drive informed decision-making in a patient's buyer's journey through what he calls, the 'Bottega Argument.'

| 1 year ago
Protective Eyewear for Dental Patients: What to Use and When to Use it

Protective Eyewear for Dental Patients: What to Use and When to Use it

Dentists who do not provide protective eyewear for dental patients put them at increased risk of injuries. Here is what you need to know about keeping...

| 1 year ago
Download Courses, Study Offline and Empower Your Team with Spear Online Mobile App

Download Courses, Study Offline and Empower Your Team with Spear Online Mobile App

With the Spear Online mobile app, dentists and their teams can download courses for offline viewing and customize their profile to better track their...

| 1 year ago
Finishing the Direct Posterior Composite Restoration:  A Visual Essay

Finishing the Direct Posterior Composite Restoration: A Visual Essay

Dr. Jason Smithson writes about an under-examined part of doing composite restorations—the finishing protocol—and outlines three components of a successful process.

| 1 year ago
Moving? Here's How to Transfer Your Dental License to Another State

Moving? Here's How to Transfer Your Dental License to Another State

In this post, we share how to transfer your dental license to another state. Highly dependent upon your target location, read on for the steps to get...

| 1 year ago
‘Frank Phrases:’ Educate Patients on What Is Possible

‘Frank Phrases:’ Educate Patients on What Is Possible

Dentists should always show patients all the exam findings and know how to transition their mindset to seeing possibilities, according to Dr. Frank Spear....

| 1 year ago