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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Provide Your Lab the Best Shade Possible

Provide Your Lab the Best Shade Possible

If you want your lab to love you, give them this easy piece of information. Labs tell me all the time that they don't get enough data from dentists...

| 11 years ago
The Irony of Success

The Irony of Success

At a recent event here at the Spear Campus I ran into Dr. Zane Khan, an oral surgeon I know. He's the leader of one of our Spear Study Clubs and he was...

| 11 years ago
Made for Each Other

Made for Each Other

Scotchbond Universal (and several other excellent self-etching / silanating / desensitizing bonding resins) are wonderful tools in...

| 11 years ago
A Parable for Stressed Dentists

A Parable for Stressed Dentists

How much does a glass of water weigh? You wouldn't think of this as a profound philosophical question but it's at the center of an interesting metaphor...

| 11 years ago
Research Reveals Negative Changes in Oral Bacteria

Research Reveals Negative Changes in Oral Bacteria

According to a media release, 'Ancient Teeth Bacteria Record Disease Evolution', from the University of Adelaide in Australia, DNA preserved in calcified...

| 11 years ago
Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

The most critical factor when cementing an implant crown to an abutment is to avoid cement you may not subsequently detect, from getting into the sulcus....

| 11 years ago
If You're Happy and You Know it, Show Your Patients

If You're Happy and You Know it, Show Your Patients

A while ago my sister Nadia needed some restorative dental work and I arranged for her to see one of our faculty leaders, Dr. Gary DeWood, whom many...

| 11 years ago
The Truth About Crossover Interferences

The Truth About Crossover Interferences

We talk about crossover in our occlusion courses. It is the lateral excursive position where the lower canine moves past the upper canine. If the anterior...

| 11 years ago
Is There a Gorilla in Your Patient's Mouth?

Is There a Gorilla in Your Patient's Mouth?

By now you're likely familiar with the 'gorilla' perception test. That's where researchers had test subjects watch a video of two groups of people...

| 11 years ago
Wear Your Disturbances Like a Badge of Honor

Wear Your Disturbances Like a Badge of Honor

I was in Boston this week, just as the people there were digging themselves out from the latest winter storm. Some people, like the owner of this car,...

| 11 years ago
I Guess Occlusion Does Matter?

I Guess Occlusion Does Matter?

This is a case from my failure file. These provisionals kept breaking in the same place. The lower lateral is a provisional on top of an implant temporary...

| 11 years ago
Some Good Advice From the Guy on the $100 bill

Some Good Advice From the Guy on the $100 bill

'Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn.' These words come from one this country's founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, and...

| 11 years ago