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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Most of us are doing diagnostic wax-ups before restoring front teeth – we might even be using the wax-up to make a stent for our provisional...

| 10 years ago
TMJ Is Not a Disease

TMJ Is Not a Disease

Every practice has patients who present saying 'I have TMJ'. The temporomandibular joint is the most complex joint in the human body and can be affected...

| 10 years ago
Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

If you remember your occlusion course from dental school, you probably remember being taught that contacts should be cusp tip to marginal ridge or cusp...

| 10 years ago
Does Your Team Have Occlusion Confusion?

Does Your Team Have Occlusion Confusion?

The term occlusion is often associated with confusion, ambiguity and varying philosophies. Being equipped with a dental team that has an understanding...

| 10 years ago
What Your Team Should Know About the TMJ

What Your Team Should Know About the TMJ

The term occlusion can be a tricky concept for even the most seasoned dental team member. In order to completely grasp the topic of occlusion, it helps...

| 10 years ago
Get Your Team Up to Speed on Occlusion

Get Your Team Up to Speed on Occlusion

An understanding of the general concepts of occlusion within a practice can create a foundation that brings more predicable long-lasting dentistry, while...

| 10 years ago
Can Treating Worn Dentition Be This Easy?

Can Treating Worn Dentition Be This Easy?

              Over the years I've had my share of patients who came in with destroyed dentitions that I had no idea how to treat....

| 10 years ago
Managing Patients With Multiple Bites

Managing Patients With Multiple Bites

Have you ever had a patient ask you which one of their bites you want when you ask them to close? If so, you know that if there is any restorative work...

| 10 years ago
If You Think You Thought of Everything, Ask Your Patient

If You Think You Thought of Everything, Ask Your Patient

Edges of anterior teeth are chipped and broken on a regular basis. They are broken during playground accidents, chipped while drinking from a glass...

| 10 years ago
Occlusal Reduction for Indirect Restorations: Is 1.5 mm Enough?

Occlusal Reduction for Indirect Restorations: Is 1.5 mm Enough?

Are the posterior indirect restorations you receive back from your laboratory, relatively flat compared to your expectations? Is it your laboratory's...

| 10 years ago
Why 'Watching' Might Be Negligent

Why 'Watching' Might Be Negligent

The image on the left is of a 28-year-old patient I saw for a routine exam. She was unaware that she had any wear on her teeth and also didn't realize...

| 10 years ago
Occlusal Appliances: The Anterior-only Appliance for Treating Muscle Pain (Part II)

Occlusal Appliances: The Anterior-only Appliance for Treating Muscle Pain (Part II)

As expressed in Part I of this article, an anterior-only appliance is an excellent choice for patients with muscle pain because it reduces muscle activity...

| 10 years ago