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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Horizontal Root Fracture: Extract or Retain?

Horizontal Root Fracture: Extract or Retain?

This article discusses options if a patient presents with a horizontal root fracture yet is asymptomatic.

| 7 years ago
Are Scuba Divers Really at Significant Increased Risk for Dental Symptoms?

Are Scuba Divers Really at Significant Increased Risk for Dental Symptoms?

We review recent research on how scuba diving can affect dental health.

| 7 years ago
Build a Better Treatment Plan: Phasing Restorative Procedures Over Time

Build a Better Treatment Plan: Phasing Restorative Procedures Over Time

Treatment planning is an essential component of clinical practice. While some cases can be completed in one or two visits, there are several reasons that...

| 7 years ago
Implant-assisted Removable Partials: Highlighting the Advantages in 2 Cases

Implant-assisted Removable Partials: Highlighting the Advantages in 2 Cases

We review two cases that highlight the advantages of implant-assisted partial dentures.

| 7 years ago
Diagnosing Dental Pain: The Phantom Menace

Diagnosing Dental Pain: The Phantom Menace

When diagnosing dental pain, it can be frustrating when initial tests don't reveal much if anything. One dentist shares how he solved one such case.

| 7 years ago
A Tooth Wear Case

A Tooth Wear Case

In this tooth wear case study, we look at overcoming the fear and frustration of treating worn dentition by using Facially Generated Treatment Planning.

| 8 years ago
What's the Right Option for Increasing Overjet?

What's the Right Option for Increasing Overjet?

in this case study, Dr. Donna Stenberg discusses finding the right option for increasing overjet.

| 8 years ago
Interdisciplinary Management of Traumatic Fractures

Interdisciplinary Management of Traumatic Fractures

Using a case presentation, Dr. Gregg Kinzer breaks down the steps of proper treatment planning.

| 8 years ago
Finishing Photos: Start the Conversation

Finishing Photos: Start the Conversation

Close to home in the orthodontic practice, photos also give you an opportunity to 'show off' the amazing changes you and the patient have accomplished,...

| 9 years ago
Factors That Influence Anterior Preparation Design - Part I

Factors That Influence Anterior Preparation Design - Part I

Since treatment planning is the key to determining the proper preparation design, you must first establish what problems exist.  This means comprehensively...

| 9 years ago
The Challenge of Replacing Missing Central and Lateral Incisors

The Challenge of Replacing Missing Central and Lateral Incisors

Replacing a single missing central or lateral incisor is quite predictable, especially if there is adequate bone and soft tissue to utilize a single tooth...

| 9 years ago
When I Should Have Said No!

When I Should Have Said No!

You would think after 36 years in dentistry that I would know better. The patient seems great, the story sounds plausible, the exam is promising...

| 9 years ago