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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Increasing Comprehensive “Airway” Exams: Getting Patients Out of the Hygiene Operatory

Increasing Comprehensive “Airway” Exams: Getting Patients Out of the Hygiene Operatory

Getting patients to agree to more comprehensive treatment requires getting them out of the hygiene chair and to start talking about their health.

| 2 years ago
A Lesson in Leadership: Dr. Mark Sutor

A Lesson in Leadership: Dr. Mark Sutor

Dr. Sutor shares his thoughts on leadership – in life, in practice and in a study...

| 2 years ago
Understanding and Recognizing Mouth Breathing

Understanding and Recognizing Mouth Breathing

How can you explain to your patients the need to breath through the nose, not the mouth? This article offers research-based information to help clinicians...

| 2 years ago
Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Kate von Lackum

Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Kate von Lackum

Learn how periodontist and Spear Study Club leader Dr. Kate von Lackum has created honest, productive relationships with patients and her referral network.

| 2 years ago
Advanced FGTP – The Inclusion of Airway Prosthodontics

Advanced FGTP – The Inclusion of Airway Prosthodontics

Today, airway has become part of what I refer to as advanced FGTP. Our cases need to start with an awareness of anatomic issues that could be related...

| 2 years ago
Dr. Robert Winter Reports Antioxidant Updates

Dr. Robert Winter Reports Antioxidant Updates

Dr. Robert Winter brings dentists up to date with the latest antioxidant research to fight systemic inflammation in patients.

| 2 years ago
Novaloc Overdenture System: A New Approach To Low-Profile Attachments

Novaloc Overdenture System: A New Approach To Low-Profile Attachments

While creating a new upper and lower overdenture definitive restoration, I identified many scenarios where a Straumann Novaloc attachment system could...

| 2 years ago
What Dentists Can Learn from 2021’s Effects on Dental Practice Hiring

What Dentists Can Learn from 2021’s Effects on Dental Practice Hiring

If you're having a hard time getting people to apply to work at your dental practice, you're not alone. Here's why this problem is happening, and how...

| 2 years ago
Piloting a New Learning Path – The Creation of Spear Interactive

Piloting a New Learning Path – The Creation of Spear Interactive

Based on research done to support the modern reality of dental education, Spear Education has developed new modalities of learning, designed to educate...

| 2 years ago
Top 6 Methods for Managing Gagging Patients

Top 6 Methods for Managing Gagging Patients

Dr. Jeff Lineberry lists his top 6 methods for managing patients who have a hyperactive gag...

| 2 years ago
7 Hiring Mistakes Dentists Make – And What to Do Instead

7 Hiring Mistakes Dentists Make – And What to Do Instead

Dr. Michael Ling shares how to correct common hiring mistakes so your dental practice can become immune to labor shortages.

| 2 years ago
10 Steps to Posterior Crown Prep

10 Steps to Posterior Crown Prep

Dr. Lineberry teaches 10 essential steps to preparing posterior crowns that can help any dentist make the process quick, predictable, and...

| 2 years ago