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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Another Chicago Come and Gone

Another Chicago Come and Gone

I just returned from the CDS Midwinter meeting. As always, it was a great experience to see old friends and make new ones. We have a great profession...

| 12 years ago
Growth in the Dental Practice and Why it's Like Golf

Growth in the Dental Practice and Why it's Like Golf

Every golfer knows that golf is really a game that you play against yourself. You may play with other golfers on any given day, but ultimately you are...

| 12 years ago


Composite materials in dentistry have come of age during my career. When I was at Case Western Reserve Dental School in Cleveland we had Adaptic,...

| 12 years ago
A Simple Way to Motivate Your Team

A Simple Way to Motivate Your Team

What you see in this picture is a small but important ceremony that takes place each week in The Winter Lab in Laguna. That is a samurai figurine...

| 12 years ago
What’s the Best Course?

What’s the Best Course?

This 50-year-old woman presented with hopeless teeth from the upper right central through the upper left second molar. Her one remaining molar on...

| 12 years ago
Help Them Ask

Help Them Ask

Yesterday, Cheryl's Buick told her to pull over and turn off the engine. She did. Cheryl has always listened to those with more information than her and...

| 12 years ago
Separating Treatment and Insurance

Separating Treatment and Insurance

In my last post I said that the introduction of dental insurance has led to a mindset in many patients – the 'Anything That's Covered' (ATC)...

| 12 years ago
You Got ME!

You Got ME!

This 58-year-old male recently came into my practice for a restorative evaluation. He has a history of nocturnal bruxism and also has evidence of some...

| 12 years ago
Crown Removal

Crown Removal

Dr. Spear shares his technique for removing permanent restorations that have been cemented temporarily.

| 12 years ago
You Have to Believe it to See it, Part 2

You Have to Believe it to See it, Part 2

Remember that blog post from my partner, Dr. Glen Wysel, about his trip with his wife, Lisa, to Guatemala to visit the site of the clinic we're helping...

| 12 years ago
The First Piece to the Puzzle in Shade Taking: The Light

The First Piece to the Puzzle in Shade Taking: The Light

In my last blog we discussed the four pieces to the shade-taking puzzle. Let's take the first piece: The light. There are two aspects to this variable...

| 12 years ago
A Good Day

A Good Day

Anytime I get all the preps in my impression, I'm ecstatic – even more so when it's this many preps. Alas, I must confess that the distal margin on...

| 12 years ago