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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Next Big Game-Changer in Dentistry

The Next Big Game-Changer in Dentistry

Everything you do in the practice brings a return—that's why you are in business. But not all returns are created equal, either in terms of revenue or patient...

| 10 years ago
Saving for the Future: Part I

Saving for the Future: Part I

This 8-year-old patient presented to my office in late October of 2005, having fallen from her bicycle earlier in the day. In addition to the small...

| 10 years ago
Study: Lasers, Rats and the Future of Dentistry

Study: Lasers, Rats and the Future of Dentistry

A new Harvard-led study published in the journal, Science Translational Medicine, has determined that the use of low-powered lasers can stimulate stem...

| 10 years ago
Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Removing a tooth is a decision that clinicians make on a routine basis. This is often an easy decision, like when a tooth has a vertical root fracture....

| 10 years ago
Fall in Love with Your Practice All Over Again

Fall in Love with Your Practice All Over Again

I remember hearing a story once about a unique gift a man gave to his wife that ended up changing both of their lives. Rather than go to the store and...

| 10 years ago
TMJ Is Not a Disease

TMJ Is Not a Disease

Every practice has patients who present saying 'I have TMJ'. The temporomandibular joint is the most complex joint in the human body and can be affected...

| 10 years ago
Why You NEED to See Double

Why You NEED to See Double

The requirement that most new dental school graduates carry to their first business opportunities, namely being able to pay off their tremendous amount...

| 10 years ago
How New Dentists Can Buy Into Their Dream Practice

How New Dentists Can Buy Into Their Dream Practice

I believe that dentistry, when practiced at its best, is an entrepreneurial profession. It has always been my dream that every new dentist ends up owning...

| 10 years ago
Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

If you remember your occlusion course from dental school, you probably remember being taught that contacts should be cusp tip to marginal ridge or cusp...

| 10 years ago
Program the Habits of Success

Program the Habits of Success

A dental practice depends on systems. You have systems for keeping patients coming back for hygiene, systems for new patient protocol, for working with...

| 10 years ago
Let's Talk About Hiring Cycles

Let's Talk About Hiring Cycles

In my last two articles, we discussed how to end the employment relationship. Terminating an employee can be a rather dark topic to talk about, so in...

| 10 years ago
Trust the Process

Trust the Process

During a recent Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop I was talking to a participant about how much of an impact the routine use of Facially...

| 10 years ago