Are the people on your team the kind of people another practitioner would love to hire away from you? Are they the kind of people who love leading-edge thinking, who are not afraid to be accountable, who are naturally patient-centered, and who know how to communicate the value of treatment in an engaging way? Because if they are not the kind of people you would hate to lose, something is wrong.

I have seen outstanding dental teams like this in action and it truly is something to behold. I have also seen envious practitioners who look at those teams and think, "If only I had a staff like that..." But of course, teams like this don't just walk in the door; they are nurtured and developed over time. They're inspired by a team leader that is willing to invest the time and resources in them to make them the best they can be.

I would say that any dentist who is committed to running a high-level practice must devote at least one hour a week to team alignment and development strategies. As you grow as a dentist, you have to bring your team with you. They have to be just as excited and motivated as you are, so they can support your vision with the right enthusiasm.

The great irony is that if you do it right and you get the right team training and create an environment where everyone can flourish and be their best, you will not only develop a team that any dentist would be happy to steal, you will create a team that would not want to work anywhere else.


Commenter's Profile Image Sandra Calleros
August 8th, 2013
So true! My team makes all the difference in the world! Surround yourself with the right people, invest in them, and you, your patients, and your team will be one happy family! We are very excited to be returning for the last Yes seminar with Imtiaz next month at the Scottsdale Center. I highly recommend it! We work on what we have learned each and every day and it has made a huge impact on our practice. Thank you Imtiaz and see you soon!