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Spear Digest Dental Articles

7 Hiring Mistakes Dentists Make – And What to Do Instead

7 Hiring Mistakes Dentists Make – And What to Do Instead

Dr. Michael Ling shares how to correct common hiring mistakes so your dental practice can become immune to labor shortages.

| 2 years ago
10 Steps to Posterior Crown Prep

10 Steps to Posterior Crown Prep

Dr. Lineberry teaches 10 essential steps to preparing posterior crowns that can help any dentist make the process quick, predictable, and...

| 2 years ago
Creating Positive Change through Diversity in Dentistry

Creating Positive Change through Diversity in Dentistry

Only 3.8% of all dentists in the U.S. are Black, 5.2% are Hispanic, and a mere 1.1% are American Indians, Alaska Natives, or Pacific...

| 2 years ago
Why Service in the Dental Practice Matters Now More Than Ever

Why Service in the Dental Practice Matters Now More Than Ever

Some dental practices have allowed their customer service to falter because of the pandemic. But, as Dr. Carson explains, now is the time for teams to...

| 2 years ago
A Guide to Anterior Open Bites

A Guide to Anterior Open Bites

Dr. Frank Spear discusses the causes of anterior open bites and how to diagnose them.

| 2 years ago
The Importance and Strategy Behind Custom Incisal Guide Tables

The Importance and Strategy Behind Custom Incisal Guide Tables

Custom anterior guide tables are the key to achieving more predictability for indirect restorations. Dr. Jeff Bonk explains why and how to use them.

| 2 years ago
Spear Concepts Help Florida Oral Surgeons Grow Practice 150%

Spear Concepts Help Florida Oral Surgeons Grow Practice 150%

'In our first year working with Spear's specialist program, our revenue went up well over 35%. So, it didn't take long to see real results. Overall,...

| 2 years ago
Radiographic Assessment Before Cementation—Detecting the “Misfit” of Indirect Restorations

Radiographic Assessment Before Cementation—Detecting the “Misfit” of Indirect Restorations

Dr. Bob Winter highlights why radiographic assessment before cementation for indirect restorations is unreliable and therefore, not recommended.

| 2 years ago
The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

A discussion on why it is important for dentists and specialists to collaborate, how they can be better at it, and what the future holds.

| 2 years ago
Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Why Dental Caries are On the Rise

Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Why Dental Caries are On the Rise

Why are dental caries on the rise? Visiting faculty Dr. Jeff Lineberry discusses the causes behind the increase in decay.

| 2 years ago
What Every Dentist Ought to Know About Planning Vacation Time

What Every Dentist Ought to Know About Planning Vacation Time

Get insights into the importance of dentists taking vacation time from resident faculty Dr. Martin Mendelson.

| 2 years ago
Turning Dental Education into Entertainment with Dr. Ben Winters

Turning Dental Education into Entertainment with Dr. Ben Winters

Meet Dr. Ben Winters—a.k.a. @thebentist on TikTok—who has turned oral health into digital entertainment for his 10.5 million followers (you read that right).

| 2 years ago