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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part II

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part II

In my last article, I mentioned that the average life span continues to increase over time and because of this fact, the treatment we provide for our...

| 9 years ago
Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Most of us are doing diagnostic wax-ups before restoring front teeth – we might even be using the wax-up to make a stent for our provisional...

| 9 years ago
Saving for the Future: Part I

Saving for the Future: Part I

This 8-year-old patient presented to my office in late October of 2005, having fallen from her bicycle earlier in the day. In addition to the small...

| 9 years ago
Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Removing a tooth is a decision that clinicians make on a routine basis. This is often an easy decision, like when a tooth has a vertical root fracture....

| 9 years ago
Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

Why Are Those Teeth Loose?

If you remember your occlusion course from dental school, you probably remember being taught that contacts should be cusp tip to marginal ridge or cusp...

| 9 years ago
Trust the Process

Trust the Process

During a recent Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop I was talking to a participant about how much of an impact the routine use of Facially...

| 10 years ago
Modification of Existing Restoration to Screw Retained Provisional

Modification of Existing Restoration to Screw Retained Provisional

This patient was referred by her dentist for restoration of the dental implant in the central incisor position. She was expecting an experience similar...

| 10 years ago
Restoring Discolored Endodontically Treated Teeth: Case 7

Restoring Discolored Endodontically Treated Teeth: Case 7

In the previous article in this series, I showed an example of masking a cast metal post and core with a metal ceramic crown. In this final article we...

| 10 years ago
Restoring Discolored Endodontically Treated Teeth: Case 6

Restoring Discolored Endodontically Treated Teeth: Case 6

In the previous article in this series I showed an example of masking a discolored crown prep by bonding an opaque masking agent and opacious composite...

| 10 years ago
Increase Predictability With Your Lab

Increase Predictability With Your Lab

Would you like to make your communication with your lab more predictable? When it comes to increasing predictability, communication with our lab is the...

| 10 years ago
Can Treating Worn Dentition Be This Easy?

Can Treating Worn Dentition Be This Easy?

              Over the years I've had my share of patients who came in with destroyed dentitions that I had no idea how to treat....

| 10 years ago
Is the Staining 'Triple-Threat' Working Against You?

Is the Staining 'Triple-Threat' Working Against You?

Would you be open to the possibility that most conditions that we see in dentistry are multi-factorial and ambiguous? I thought so.

| 10 years ago