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Spear Digest Dental Articles

5 Considerations for Better and Faster Crown Preparations

5 Considerations for Better and Faster Crown Preparations

Yes, it is possible to get better crown preparations faster. Here are five points to get you there.

| 8 years ago
Dealing With a Loose Implant Crown

Dealing With a Loose Implant Crown

We offer advice on dealing with loose implant crowns, which can be difficult when they're cement-retained with a loosened abutment screw.

| 8 years ago
5 Tips For Better Implant Restorations

5 Tips For Better Implant Restorations

Whether you prefer screw-retained or cement-retained implants, these five tips will help you improve your implant restorations.

| 8 years ago
What Is the Best Camera for Dental Photography?

What Is the Best Camera for Dental Photography?

Dental photography is important for both treatment planning and case acceptance. But what is the best camera for the job?

| 8 years ago
An Insidious Yet Often Missed Dental Wear Pattern

An Insidious Yet Often Missed Dental Wear Pattern

Dr. John Carson discusses pathway wear and considerations for treatment.

| 8 years ago
Three Tips to Virtually Eliminate Composite Sensitivity

Three Tips to Virtually Eliminate Composite Sensitivity

Dr. John Carson shares his top three tips on how to virtually eliminate composite sensitivity.

| 8 years ago
What Implant Is That?

What Implant Is That?

Have your ever inherited a case with an unknown implant type that you need to identify in order to treat?  If it's not happened to you yet count your...

| 8 years ago
Dental Implants: Modifying Provisionals

Dental Implants: Modifying Provisionals

Figure 1 If you are like me, then implants are becoming a bigger and bigger part of your practice. As we know, managing soft tissue around...

| 8 years ago
Tips for Great Communication With Your Interdisciplinary Team

Tips for Great Communication With Your Interdisciplinary Team

Do many of your cases involve working with other offices?  If you are a specialist then the answer is certainly yes. However, I suspect it is also...

| 8 years ago
Cone Beam CTs:  You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Cone Beam CTs: You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Do you remember the days back in dental school when we would look at a radiographs and say something like, 'Well, we can't tell for sure but that looks...

| 8 years ago
Improving Case Acceptance: Part Three - Taking it Further

Improving Case Acceptance: Part Three - Taking it Further

Previously I shared some tips for improving case acceptance (click here for Part 1 and Part 2) and I wrote that I do not always review all...

| 9 years ago
There is Enough Bone!

There is Enough Bone!

As we all know, bone is needed in areas that we plan to place implants. And we also know that sometimes it looks like we have plenty of bone to place...

| 9 years ago