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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Understanding Reduction Copings

Understanding Reduction Copings

The concept of a reduction coping is to create more space for the restoration after the laboratory receives the impression or cast of the prepared...

| 10 years ago
Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

I often remind dentists that they are in competition not with other dentists but with all the other discretionary spending choices their patients have....

| 10 years ago
Can Early Exposure to BPA Damage Enamel?

Can Early Exposure to BPA Damage Enamel?

A recent press release suggests that teeth can be affected by bisphenol A (BPA). This is based on the conclusions of work carried out by the research...

| 10 years ago
The Secret to Getting Out of the Time Trap

The Secret to Getting Out of the Time Trap

Almost all the pressures, anxieties and stresses in life rotate around three things: your time, money and relationships. And if you are like most people,...

| 10 years ago
Your Ideal Life is Closer Than You Think

Your Ideal Life is Closer Than You Think

It can often seem that the ideal life you envision for yourself as a dentist is miles away from reality and that it would take years or huge improvements...

| 10 years ago
Study: Gum Disease Causing Bacteria Also Destroys Bone

Study: Gum Disease Causing Bacteria Also Destroys Bone

According to a recent media release, a University of Michigan study found the newly discovered bacterium that causes gum disease also triggers normally...

| 10 years ago
How to Have the Time of Your Life in Dentistry

How to Have the Time of Your Life in Dentistry

'I don't have enough time,' is a common refrain in today's world. In fact it's probably among the most universal conditions. Who among us would not like to...

| 10 years ago
Change Your Story, Change Your Life

Change Your Story, Change Your Life

The voice you hear most often is the one inside your head. Psychologists call it 'self-talk.' It's that internal dialogue that provides a running commentary for...

| 10 years ago
Assessing Occlusal Plane/Midline Cant Problems

Assessing Occlusal Plane/Midline Cant Problems

At the time you try-in a patient's final restorations, if there is a cant to the occlusal plane or midline, you can follow these steps to assess or...

| 10 years ago
The Paradox of Doing Less to Increase the Value of Your Time

The Paradox of Doing Less to Increase the Value of Your Time

How much time are you going to spend reading this article? Since most of my readers are busy dentists, I'm going to assume that you are going to...

| 10 years ago
Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part I

Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part I

In this series of articles, I'm going to start on a new case study for a retired dentist named Tom. His desire was to replace a posterior reconstruction...

| 10 years ago
Why You Should Retire Right Now

Why You Should Retire Right Now

To me retirement is about doing what you love. If you are living with passion and doing the things you love, while also embracing the things you don't...

| 10 years ago