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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Does Your Practice Have Black Holes of Accountability?

Does Your Practice Have Black Holes of Accountability?

If there is one gift you can give the members of your team, it is clarity. Clarity for the overall vision for the practice. Clarity for how they fit into...

| 11 years ago
Why 'Bad' Patients Are Actually Good Patients

Why 'Bad' Patients Are Actually Good Patients

You will always have some patients who choose to accept nothing more than having you 'fix' their most immediate care concerns. But at the same time...

| 11 years ago
Why Team Conflict is Not Always Bad

Why Team Conflict is Not Always Bad

Some of my favorite times in my career have come when I have taken the better part of a day and gone into 'lockdown' with a number of my closest colleagues...

| 11 years ago
Have You Reserved Time for Success?

Have You Reserved Time for Success?

I often talk about the difference between 'in practice' revenue-producing time and 'on practice' clinical and professional development time, and how both...

| 11 years ago
Beware of 'Phantom' Case Acceptance

Beware of 'Phantom' Case Acceptance

Do you ever find yourself suddenly thinking about a patient you diagnosed several weeks ago – the one who agreed to your plan for a quadrant or...

| 11 years ago
The 'Justin Bieber' Effect and Dentists

The 'Justin Bieber' Effect and Dentists

The Wall Street Journal is one of the most influential media sources and has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the country, with more than two...

| 11 years ago
Are You Sitting on a Gold Mine?

Are You Sitting on a Gold Mine?

Previously, I wrote about the importance of improving the tangible assets of your practice in the years leading up to selling. But what about your intangible...

| 11 years ago
How to Deal with 'Difficult' People

How to Deal with 'Difficult' People

The guy in front of me in line at the airport was very upset. He was really giving a hard time to the young woman behind the counter, raising his voice,...

| 11 years ago
What Can We Learn About 'Problem' Patients From Cab Drivers?

What Can We Learn About 'Problem' Patients From Cab Drivers?

I was in Toronto this week where I had one of those brief but uplifting encounters that can really make your day. I was coming out of my hotel in a busy...

| 11 years ago
A Good Reason to Make Pre-Retirement Investments in Your Practice

A Good Reason to Make Pre-Retirement Investments in Your Practice

Forty years ago, few people outside of IBM had any first-hand interaction with computers. Today, the average teenager has more computing power in his...

| 11 years ago
A Dentist Who Gets it Right From the Start

A Dentist Who Gets it Right From the Start

One of the most powerful testaments you can offer to demonstrate the value of the work you do is the before-and-after case study. You don't even have...

| 11 years ago
A Simple Secret for Coaching Practice Teams

A Simple Secret for Coaching Practice Teams

We understand intuitively that all people are different. However, we sometimes overlook this reality when it comes to working with the people we depend...

| 11 years ago