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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Improve Your Bitewings With a Cotton Tip Applicator

Improve Your Bitewings With a Cotton Tip Applicator

If you're like me, you or your team has trouble getting the contacts on bitewings open at times. I would like to share a simple tip to help you get those...

| 10 years ago
Every Dentist's Most Important Asset

Every Dentist's Most Important Asset

What is the most valuable asset you own? It's not your house. It's not your practice, no matter how highly it may be appraised. In fact, it is not any...

| 10 years ago
Treatment Planning and Sequencing in Patients With Severe Wear [Ed.]

Treatment Planning and Sequencing in Patients With Severe Wear [Ed.]

Almost every restorative dentist I know has a set of models sitting on their desk they have looked at multiple times and yet...

| 10 years ago
Facts and Figures: The High-Speed Handpiece

Facts and Figures: The High-Speed Handpiece

1957: S.S. White Company introduced the Borden Airotor, the first successful air-driven handpiece. This instrument is regarded as the precursor...

| 10 years ago
Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

You are probably familiar with the quotation, often attributed to Albert Einstein: 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and...

| 10 years ago
It's Okay to Be Cheesy

It's Okay to Be Cheesy

As stated in a recent EurekAlert! media release, there has been little research about how dairy products affect oral health. However, according to a...

| 10 years ago
The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

What do you do when a patient says no to the dental problems you have shown them? If you're like many dentists, you consider your job done, accept their...

| 10 years ago
How to Make a Custom Incisal Guide Table

How to Make a Custom Incisal Guide Table

Once the decision is made to make a custom incisal guide table, the following sequence of steps should be followed. Determine if you are going to restore...

| 10 years ago
Dentistry as a Hobby?

Dentistry as a Hobby?

One of our clients at Spear – someone we have been profiling as part of our effort to document and analyze the success our clients – said...

| 10 years ago
Diagnose Your Practice in Five Simple Questions

Diagnose Your Practice in Five Simple Questions

It's true that a dental practice is a complex machine, and there are a lot of moving parts that go into making a smooth-running successful operation....

| 10 years ago
Report: Billions Suffer From Major Tooth Decay

Report: Billions Suffer From Major Tooth Decay

A recent EurekAlert! press release states, billions of people across the globe are suffering from major untreated dental problems, according to a new...

| 10 years ago
How to Create Reliable Team Alignment

How to Create Reliable Team Alignment

'I wish I could get the right people on my team,' is right up there with 'I wish I could get the right patients,' among the most common dreams of dentists. Naturally, you...

| 10 years ago