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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Next Evolution in Dental Digital Printing

The Next Evolution in Dental Digital Printing

Spear Resident Faculty member Dr. Bob Winter believes an emerging 3D printing technique, called xolography, could signal an accelerated end to analogue-based...

| 3 years ago
Patient First Impressions – Setting the Tone for Long-Term Relationships

Patient First Impressions – Setting the Tone for Long-Term Relationships

Patients who resist dentistry present dental teams with an opportunity to embrace those who need the help and comfort to know there is a solution to their...

| 3 years ago
Implant Esthetic Risk Assessment for Patient Consultation and Evaluation

Implant Esthetic Risk Assessment for Patient Consultation and Evaluation

Dr. Will Martin's new Spear Online course, 'Utilizing the Esthetic Risk Assessment,' provides implementation techniques on how to evaluate 13 clinical...

| 3 years ago
Nothing Lasts Forever: Case Planning for Easier Future Retreatments

Nothing Lasts Forever: Case Planning for Easier Future Retreatments

Learn treatment planning that prevents unnecessary future challenges after things break, to make things easier on you, your patient, and your colleagues.

| 3 years ago
New to Study Club: Incorporating Airway and Joint Concepts in Practice Workflow

New to Study Club: Incorporating Airway and Joint Concepts in Practice Workflow

In his new Study Club module, Dr. Jeff Rouse outlines an approach to incorporate the evaluation and treatment of airway and TMJs into any practice model.

| 3 years ago
Shimstock and Occlusal Maintenance of Dental Implants

Shimstock and Occlusal Maintenance of Dental Implants

Dr. Jeff Bonk provides a dental re-care appointment protocol for evaluating and managing occlusal forces on dental implants.

| 3 years ago
Using Caries Detection Dyes

Using Caries Detection Dyes

Caries detection dyes help dentists determine when to stop tooth preparations in conservative treatment.

| 3 years ago
‘Dental Hacks’ Dr. Jason Lipscomb Leads Live Learning Continuum on Dental Marketing

‘Dental Hacks’ Dr. Jason Lipscomb Leads Live Learning Continuum on Dental Marketing

Learn how to connect with more patients in this Live Learning Continuum led by a doctor-podcaster who knows a thing or two about online media.

| 3 years ago
Interproximal Contacts: Assessment and Adjustment

Interproximal Contacts: Assessment and Adjustment

Learn how to increase the predictability of desired interdental contacts and improve collaboration between dental practice and lab technician.

| 3 years ago
CBCT: A Window Into ‘Why’

CBCT: A Window Into ‘Why’

CBCT is a valuable tool to help dentists find solutions to correct and prevent problematic sleep, esthetics, and occlusal issues, and to ensure optimal...

| 3 years ago
Study Club Release: Comprehensive Treatment Planning for Complex Cases

Study Club Release: Comprehensive Treatment Planning for Complex Cases

Dr. Bob Winter outlines a systematic approach for restorative dentists to establish a framework for the decision-making process of a complex dental case.

| 3 years ago
Patient History 101 (Lesson 4): Jaw Joint Pain

Patient History 101 (Lesson 4): Jaw Joint Pain

Having an accurate history of a patient's jaw joint pain is invaluable, Dr. Jim McKee explains in his series of articles on patient history.

| 3 years ago