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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Office Manager Boot Camp Staff Training Course Now Available

Office Manager Boot Camp Staff Training Course Now Available

The topic of managing other employees in the practice is huge topic that most office managers spend perfecting throughout the course of their entire career....

| 9 years ago
New from Dr. Frank Spear: Treating Canted Incisal/Occlusal Planes

New from Dr. Frank Spear: Treating Canted Incisal/Occlusal Planes

When clinicians think about the process of looking at incisal planes or occlusal planes, there are a couple of ways that dentists are initially taught...

| 9 years ago
Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Can Fracture!

Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Can Fracture!

Despite their flexural strength, monolithic zirconia restorations can still break! Dr. Bob Winter discusses how to induce minimal trauma and demonstrates...

| 9 years ago
New from Dr. Frank Spear: Issues of Tooth Display

New from Dr. Frank Spear: Issues of Tooth Display

Patients with inadequate tooth display simply show no teeth no matter how hard they smile. It's helpful to realize the different types of conditions that...

| 9 years ago
CDC: Early Childhood Caries Trending Down

CDC: Early Childhood Caries Trending Down

According to a news release provided by the American Dental Association (ADA), preliminary data presented at the 'Innovations in the Prevention and Treatment...

| 9 years ago
New from Dr. Frank Spear: The Treatment Planning Process

New from Dr. Frank Spear: The Treatment Planning Process

Treatment planning, especially for complex cases, can be an extremely challenging process for any clinician. A treatment planning system that Dr. Frank...

| 9 years ago
The Infamous Mandibular Block

The Infamous Mandibular Block

At a recent Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop, I was having lunch with a group of dentists with a wide range of experience and age–from one year...

| 9 years ago
Ceramic Restorations: Predictable Adjusting and Polishing

Ceramic Restorations: Predictable Adjusting and Polishing

Learn the steps for adjusting and polishing ceramic restorations.

| 9 years ago
New from Dr. Frank Spear: The Spear Model Part III

New from Dr. Frank Spear: The Spear Model Part III

Variety is the spice of life. That's how the old saying goes. When a clinician presents only ONE option to a patient for treatment, they are really...

| 9 years ago
More Interview Questions You Don't Want to Ask

More Interview Questions You Don't Want to Ask

In my last article, I went over some interview questions you should never ask. Remember all it takes is one person to lodge a complaint and your dental...

| 9 years ago
Successful Dental Patients: From Compliance to Collaboration

Successful Dental Patients: From Compliance to Collaboration

How many dental professionals have ever thought, or perhaps said: 'Why doesn't this patient just follow our recommendations? Don't we know what is best...

| 9 years ago
Dental Forums: Which One is Right for You?

Dental Forums: Which One is Right for You?

I've been involved with dental forums since 2000. In the beginning, I was the classic lurker. What is a lurker? It is someone who logs on an...

| 9 years ago