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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Are You Sitting At the Front of the Class?

Are You Sitting At the Front of the Class?

What happens to the kids who walk in on the first day of school and take a seat in the back of the classroom? What choices are they making in that moment?...

| 11 years ago
Failure to Communicate

Failure to Communicate

I would like to share something that happened to me recently in hopes you can avoid it happening to you. Several years ago I saw a patient for evaluation...

| 11 years ago
The Big Secret of Success Revealed

The Big Secret of Success Revealed

Why do some people succeed spectacularly in life while others struggle? I think it comes down to recognizing the difference between the art and science...

| 11 years ago
Restorative Treatment Option for Ankylosis in Young Patients

Restorative Treatment Option for Ankylosis in Young Patients

Limited treatment options are available for young patients that have ankylosis of teeth after traumatic avulsion and re-implantation. Generally, we choose...

| 11 years ago
Affordability is a Mindset

Affordability is a Mindset

It's easy to say that the national economy is suffering and that people simply aren't able to accept as much dental care as they used to. That's true...

| 11 years ago
When to Use Triple Tray Impressions

When to Use Triple Tray Impressions

After my last article, 'What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases', there was a question posed to me about the accuracy of using triple...

| 11 years ago
What is Sucking the Life Out of You?

What is Sucking the Life Out of You?

According to a recent study, people tend to exaggerate the number of hours they work each week, and people who work the most tend to exaggerate the most....

| 11 years ago
Halloween Candy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Halloween Candy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Kids wait anxiously for Halloween every year in hopes of filling their pillow cases chock-full of sugar-packed treats. However, dentists and parents cringe...

| 11 years ago
Four Ways to Get Patients Thinking About Inviting Others

Four Ways to Get Patients Thinking About Inviting Others

Sometimes I'll ask a dental team how many people in the practice are actively involved in promoting its services. As an example, if there are six team...

| 11 years ago
Treatment Planning and Sequencing in Patients with Severe Wear

Treatment Planning and Sequencing in Patients with Severe Wear

Almost every restorative dentist I know has a set of models sitting on their desk they have looked at multiple times and yet they still don't know...

| 11 years ago
The Clues Are in the Variances

The Clues Are in the Variances

If you have a 98 percent collection rate, there is no question you are doing a lot of things right when it comes to ensuring patients are complete...

| 11 years ago
So, Why Isn't Your Practice on Facebook?

So, Why Isn't Your Practice on Facebook?

Do you think Facebook is just something 'kids' use these days to keep the world up-to-date on every single step they take? Sure, there are definitely...

| 11 years ago