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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Managing Diastemas With Veneers

Managing Diastemas With Veneers

Check out this FGTP-based approach to managing the challenging issue of diastemas with veneers.

| 2 years ago
Fabrication and Use of an Incisal Edge Guide

Fabrication and Use of an Incisal Edge Guide

A clinical case study of the fabrication and use of the incisal edge guide and how it can improve communication with a dental laboratory technician and...

| 2 years ago
PFM or Zirconia Crown? A Patient’s Question and Concerns

PFM or Zirconia Crown? A Patient’s Question and Concerns

Today's patients are very much aware of dentistry and its benefits to oral health. This greater engagement has led to our patients asking more questions...

| 2 years ago
The Importance and Strategy Behind Custom Incisal Guide Tables

The Importance and Strategy Behind Custom Incisal Guide Tables

Custom anterior guide tables are the key to achieving more predictability for indirect restorations. Dr. Jeff Bonk explains why and how to use them.

| 2 years ago
The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

A discussion on why it is important for dentists and specialists to collaborate, how they can be better at it, and what the future holds.

| 2 years ago
Learning “Superfood” – How One Question Makes Campus Learning Stick

Learning “Superfood” – How One Question Makes Campus Learning Stick

Resident faculty instructor Dr. Jeff Bonk reflects on how he has made the transition from campus learning to practice reality.

| 2 years ago
The Future of Dentistry: Continuing Education in the Digital Age

The Future of Dentistry: Continuing Education in the Digital Age

Spear Talk moderators and campus mentors Drs. Jeff Bonk and Jeff Lineberry discuss what the future holds for dental continuing education—on campus and online.

| 2 years ago
Collective Intelligence and the Future of Dentistry

Collective Intelligence and the Future of Dentistry

In our series kickoff, Dr. Jeff Bonk explores the concept of 'collective intelligence,' the future of dentistry and the power of the Spear community.

| 2 years ago
Resilience and Strong Relationships – Why You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Resilience and Strong Relationships – Why You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Are resilience and grit innate or learned? Spear resident faculty Dr. Jeffrey Bonk shares why relationships with your clinical community are key to resilient...

| 2 years ago
Simple In-Office Technique for Closing Open Molar Contacts

Simple In-Office Technique for Closing Open Molar Contacts

A simple aligner tray closure technique is a game-changer for managing open posterior contacts. Learn how to resolve a common patient complaint in a practical...

| 2 years ago
Technique for 'Cementing' and Retaining Conservative Ceramic Onlay Provisionals

Technique for 'Cementing' and Retaining Conservative Ceramic Onlay Provisionals

Learn more about how indirect partial coverage ceramic restorations are becoming a mainstay of conservative restorative dental procedures.

| 3 years ago
Photographic Tooth Inclination

Photographic Tooth Inclination

Dental photography is a key component to the FGTP planning process and the strategic photographic series of images aids the restorative dentist in evaluation...

| 3 years ago