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Spear Digest Dental Articles

What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases

What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases

This article will be the first in a series that discusses what your laboratory needs to know in order to produce the best outcome for your patients....

| 11 years ago
Turn an Emergency Into a Success

Turn an Emergency Into a Success

The CEREC process allows you to image and design restorations ranging from a single unit to a long span provisional. The capabilities of the system are...

| 11 years ago
When the Unthinkable Happens [Special Journal Review]

When the Unthinkable Happens [Special Journal Review]

Two years ago one of our Visiting Faculty experienced the unthinkable, the loss of a child, a young adult of infinite potential in her second year as...

| 11 years ago
The Next Step in Intraoral Technology

The Next Step in Intraoral Technology

Buying a CEREC machine won't solve the issue of not performing great dentistry. At the end of the day, you need to be a good clinician with a sound educational...

| 11 years ago
I Can See Clearly Now

I Can See Clearly Now

If you are like me (read that as old, or rather, mature) you went all the way through dental school without magnification. I don't know how widespread...

| 11 years ago
The United States of Dentists [INFOGRAPHIC]

The United States of Dentists [INFOGRAPHIC]

The ADA recently put out a list of the top barriers of access to dental care. Believe it or not, barriers of access to dental care not only stems from...

| 11 years ago
Monthly Spotlight [August/September]

Monthly Spotlight [August/September]

With all of the great content offered by the Spear Faculty and guest writers each month, we want to make certain that you don't miss any of it. The following...

| 11 years ago
What Lies in the Third Dimension [Part II]

What Lies in the Third Dimension [Part II]

In a previous article I've discussed how using CBCT can help discover the source of a patient's pain. However, there are many other advantages to using...

| 11 years ago
New Discovery May Help Prevent Gum Disease

New Discovery May Help Prevent Gum Disease

According to a University of Louisville press release, a scientist has found a way to prevent inflammation and bone loss surrounding the teeth by blocking...

| 11 years ago
No More Rubber Bands

No More Rubber Bands

I'm always interested in what's new and pragmatic in our clinical and laboratory world. I have never been satisfied with the use of rubber bands to...

| 11 years ago
Study: Half of American Adults Suffer From Periodontal Disease

Study: Half of American Adults Suffer From Periodontal Disease

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of every two Americans aged 30 and up has...

| 11 years ago
The Story of the Tooth Fairy

The Story of the Tooth Fairy

Since today is National Tooth Fairy Day, (although it's also observed on February 28) we thought you might be curious about the origins of this...

| 11 years ago