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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Are You Making Your Schedule Work for You?

Are You Making Your Schedule Work for You?

Do you ever find yourself coming into the office in the morning, taking a glance at the day's schedule, and finding yourself exhausted before your day...

| 9 years ago
Oh Wow, That is BAD!

Oh Wow, That is BAD!

Every dentist knows what I mean by a radiographic diagnosis. You may not know the term, but a radiographic diagnosis is what happens when at the end of...

| 9 years ago
Get Yourself a 'Performance Partner'

Get Yourself a 'Performance Partner'

As I have pointed out many times, dentistry is an essentially solitary profession. If you have your own practice, nobody is there to tell what you need...

| 9 years ago
New from Frank Spear: Creating a New Patient Experience with Intention

New from Frank Spear: Creating a New Patient Experience with Intention

Trying to understand behavior tactics and proper procedures at a new patient’s visit can be some of the most challenging things we face as clinicians. We don't...

| 9 years ago
Three Tips for Improved Embrasures with Provisional Restorations

Three Tips for Improved Embrasures with Provisional Restorations

The fabrication of a really nice provisional restoration is fundamental for indirect definitive restorations. Nice provisional restorations serve as a...

| 9 years ago
How to Wake Up

How to Wake Up

When I was a boy in Kenya, we kept a rooster in our backyard. Every morning, bright and early, that rooster would do what roosters do when the sun comes...

| 9 years ago
It’s Just a Temporary… Right?

It’s Just a Temporary… Right?

Sometimes, we think of our temporaries or provisionals as just that – temporary. Poorly-fitted temporaries can lead to issues including food...

| 9 years ago
Some Ancient Wisdom for Modern Dentists

Some Ancient Wisdom for Modern Dentists

What does it mean to be educated? I suppose one could say it means having a mountain of debt – considering what it costs to obtain a university...

| 9 years ago
How Are YOU Different?

How Are YOU Different?

It isn't a stretch to say that every dentist that spends time with Spear Education is different from the dentists who populate the majority of our profession....

| 9 years ago
Working Interviews: Why Should I Pay Them?

Working Interviews: Why Should I Pay Them?

In my last article, I went over the best ways to combat the halo/horn effect when hiring new staff members. Within that article, I briefly touched on the...

| 9 years ago
What to Do With ‘That Case’ on Your Desk

What to Do With ‘That Case’ on Your Desk

It happens to the best general dentists from time to time. You come across a particularly tricky case and find yourself stuck. Maybe you can't think of...

| 9 years ago
What Motivates You to Treat Edentulous Patients?

What Motivates You to Treat Edentulous Patients?

Most edentulous patients that come into the clinic are in a pretty 'tough spot' – some of them are anxious, while others may feel embarrassed about...

| 9 years ago