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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Finding Mentors for Life

Finding Mentors for Life

U.S. Army dentist Dr. Andy Janiga shares how his personal mentors and networking through Spear Study Club shaped his confidence in dentistry.

| 5 years ago
Let’s Be Real: Dentistry is Mentally Challenging 

Let’s Be Real: Dentistry is Mentally Challenging 

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, dentists facing serious personal or workplace stress should consider how 'real' their struggles are and seek...

| 5 years ago
My Treatment Plan and Informed Consent Process

My Treatment Plan and Informed Consent Process

Treatment plans must use simple terms with the options clearly outlined, should be presented in writing and be fully reviewed with the patient to mitigate...

| 5 years ago
Achieving Your Practice Goals: Are You Looking in the Wrong Direction?

Achieving Your Practice Goals: Are You Looking in the Wrong Direction?

Surgical specialist Dr. Douglas Smail makes recommendations to address the 'lagging measures' that can significantly hinder practice growth.

| 5 years ago
Patient Relations: Topic of 3 New Team Meetings

Patient Relations: Topic of 3 New Team Meetings

Spear Online features three new team meeting modules designed to help your practice team shape the comforting, nurturing patient experience that leads...

| 5 years ago
7 Tips for Being an A-List Specialist

7 Tips for Being an A-List Specialist

Dental specialists can increase the quantity and quality of their referrals by following these simple tips.

| 5 years ago
Patient Communication in the Age of Information

Patient Communication in the Age of Information

The evolution of technology and accessibility in today's modern age has had a huge impact on human behavior - so how does this change how we interact...

| 5 years ago
Why Is 'Intention' My Favorite Word?

Why Is 'Intention' My Favorite Word?

Learn about the G.R.O.W. method for intentionally setting and achieving your practice growth goals.

| 5 years ago
Are Your Dental Patients 'Hearing' You?

Are Your Dental Patients 'Hearing' You?

If you're seeing a lot of your patients walk away without accepting treatment, it may be time to rethink your communication approaches.

| 5 years ago
Don't Use the 'F' Word in Your Hygiene Exams and Other Tips for Success

Don't Use the 'F' Word in Your Hygiene Exams and Other Tips for Success

Are you taking steps to make hygiene appointments as smooth as possible for both you and the patient?

| 5 years ago
PPO - The Ideal Equation for a Successful Dental Practice

PPO - The Ideal Equation for a Successful Dental Practice

For some, the idea of a 'PPO' practice may seem too intimidating to approach - but what if those three letters mean more than you think they do?

| 5 years ago
Increase Your Practice's Social Media Presence By Highlighting Your Everyday Dentistry

Increase Your Practice's Social Media Presence By Highlighting Your Everyday Dentistry

Is your social media game up-to-par? Here's a quick tip for sharing your everyday cases to engage your online audience.

| 5 years ago