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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Airway Prosthodontics: Taking Dentistry Beyond Sleep Apnea and Advancement Appliances

Airway Prosthodontics: Taking Dentistry Beyond Sleep Apnea and Advancement Appliances

Sleep dentistry asks 'how,' while airway prosthodontics asks 'why.' Learn why this difference is important and how understanding it can help you better treat patients.

| 7 years ago
An Uncommon Pattern of Dental Erosion

An Uncommon Pattern of Dental Erosion

A dentist began seeing deep erosion on #8 and #9 on many of her patients' teeth. Here's what...

| 7 years ago
Muscle and TMJ Exam: Palpation and Evaluation

Muscle and TMJ Exam: Palpation and Evaluation

Discover the 8 muscles you must check during a TMJ...

| 7 years ago
Corticotomy-facilitated Orthodontics and Goal-oriented Treatment Planning

Corticotomy-facilitated Orthodontics and Goal-oriented Treatment Planning

Learn more about interdisciplinary treatment planning for corticotomy-facilitated orthodontics and read about a real-world case.

| 7 years ago
Where’s the Articular Disc and Why It Matters

Where’s the Articular Disc and Why It Matters

Continue learning about occlusion with this article on recording the fully seated joint position.

| 7 years ago
Discussion Guidelines for Orthodontic Treatment Decisions

Discussion Guidelines for Orthodontic Treatment Decisions

This orthodontic treatment FAQ list will help dentists better cover common orthodontic issues with their patients.

| 7 years ago
The Alphabet Soup of Occlusion

The Alphabet Soup of Occlusion

Occlusion terminology can get confusing ... CR, MIP, OMD, etc. This article attempts to clear up some of these...

| 7 years ago
Going Digital With the Anterior Bite Plane

Going Digital With the Anterior Bite Plane

Anterior bite planes are part of digital dentistry now, but is going digital actually easier and faster for dentists?

| 7 years ago
Does Condylar Position Really Matter?

Does Condylar Position Really Matter?

What is an optimal condylar position? Does it really matter? We look at a case to find out.

| 8 years ago
A 10-Step Occlusion Checklist for the Hygiene Room

A 10-Step Occlusion Checklist for the Hygiene Room

By utilizing this 10-step checklist, dental teams can better track the developing occlusion of patients.

| 8 years ago
Class II Correction: 3 Evaluations for Optimal Referral Timing

Class II Correction: 3 Evaluations for Optimal Referral Timing

We look at the research and offer advice on the optimal time to refer a malocclusion patient for orthodontic treatment.

| 8 years ago
4 Steps to Simplifying TMD Diagnosis

4 Steps to Simplifying TMD Diagnosis

Diagnosing TMD can be intimidating, but using these steps helps create a repeatable, less stressful process.

| 8 years ago