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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

When my glasses suffered a unilateral fatality yesterday I anticipated several days of 'imbalance' as we complete 10 days packed with four...

| 12 years ago
The Wind in Your Sails

The Wind in Your Sails

They say a boat is a hole in the water you pour money into. But of course there's a reason people pour money into their boats, and it's the same reason...

| 12 years ago
A Passion Project

A Passion Project

In a recent post, I said that one of the tricks for getting free from the 'hooks' that hold you back is to hire people to do your worrying for you. Find...

| 12 years ago
It’s Not the Time You Get, It’s What You Get Out of Your Time

It’s Not the Time You Get, It’s What You Get Out of Your Time

In 2003, I had to have a serious conversation with my business partners – one that would end up having lasting implications. This was well before...

| 12 years ago
Don't You Love a Challenge?

Don't You Love a Challenge?

This young lady decided to try shooting a handgun that had considerable recoil. Without proper instruction, she pulled the trigger and the gun kicked...

| 12 years ago
A Strong Foundation to Build On

A Strong Foundation to Build On

For years I have spoken about how a meaningful life is a life full of feelings of abundance and gratitude. That's an idea that is reinforced in all...

| 12 years ago
It’s Like Riding a Bike…

It’s Like Riding a Bike…

You learn to do by doing – that's something we come to understand as we get older. But remember when you were first discovering new capabilities,...

| 13 years ago
Photo Tips

Photo Tips

Those blasted buccal shots! Hard to see and hard to be sure that the correct alignment and framing are in the image. Most of the time, I believe that...

| 13 years ago
You Gotta Play!

You Gotta Play!

We were hiking in Sedona, Ariz. over the holiday weekend. I think other than the scenery, the best part was not having a cell phone signal most of the...

| 13 years ago
Are They Thinking What You Think They’re Thinking?

Are They Thinking What You Think They’re Thinking?

Your practice, like every business, has a brand, which is defined (for better or worse) by the perception people have of you. Brands are powerful motivators...

| 13 years ago
"Deep See" Diving

"Deep See" Diving

I can't really describe the feeling, or explain why it happened. A couple of weeks back I was in Cozumel, heading out into the open waters on a boat...

| 13 years ago
Vision: The Earlier it Starts, the Further You See

Vision: The Earlier it Starts, the Further You See

Some future leaders convene in Scottsdale. Life is full of coincidences. Soon after I posted a video on how you have to believe it before you see...

| 13 years ago