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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Take a Capsule to Fight Gum Disease?

Take a Capsule to Fight Gum Disease?

Scientists described another treatment approach for gum disease in a report delivered at the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American...

| 11 years ago
MythBusters: Dentistry Edition

MythBusters: Dentistry Edition

With all the information on the Internet, misinformation spreads easily. In this article, examine the top 5 dental myths your patients might...

| 11 years ago
Monthly Spotlight July/August

Monthly Spotlight July/August

With all of the great content offered by the Spear Faculty and guest writers each month, we want to make certain that you don't miss any of it. The following...

| 11 years ago
What is Oil Pulling?

What is Oil Pulling?

An ancient Ayurvedic method, commonly known as oil pulling, may help prevent enamel erosion and gum disease among other things such as headaches, chronic...

| 11 years ago
Stem Cell Therapy Could Provide More Effective Bone Regeneration

Stem Cell Therapy Could Provide More Effective Bone Regeneration

Researchers found that using stem cells to re-grow craniofacial tissues – mainly bone – proved quicker, more effective and less invasive...

| 11 years ago
Chlorine: Why Teeth are Shaking in Their Roots

Chlorine: Why Teeth are Shaking in Their Roots

Most people jump into swimming pools to beat the heat or for a cardio workout. They hardly ever think that they could be causing significant damage to...

| 11 years ago
Winning Smiles for Olympic Athletes

Winning Smiles for Olympic Athletes

It's no secret that the 2012 Olympic athletes are in tip-top shape. Even though they take extremely good care of their bodies and watch what they...

| 11 years ago
Monthly Spotlight June/July

Monthly Spotlight June/July

With all of the great content offered by the Spear Faculty and guest writers each month, we want to make certain that you don't miss any of it. The following...

| 11 years ago
Response to "Dollars and Dentists"

Response to "Dollars and Dentists"

'Dollars and Dentists' by FRONTLINE in association with the Center for Public Integrity, premiered last night on PBS. The investigative program focused...

| 11 years ago
How Psychological Factors Affect Oral Health

How Psychological Factors Affect Oral Health

What can psychologists teach us about dental health? Psychologists from the New York University College of Dentistry, Richard Heyman and Amy Smith Slep,...

| 11 years ago
Monthly Spotlight

Monthly Spotlight

With all of the great content offered by the Spear Faculty and guest writers each month, we want to make certain that you don't miss any of it. The following...

| 12 years ago
Upcoming Show to Feature Dental Disparities

Upcoming Show to Feature Dental Disparities

On June 26, Frontline, the popular PBS newsmagazine program, will air a story that focuses on access to care disparities and the 'business of...

| 12 years ago