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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Real Role of the Dental Assistant

The Real Role of the Dental Assistant

Helping the doctor stay organized during and after procedures is critical to efficient time management. The dental assistant acts as a chairside manager...

| 9 years ago
Creating a Transfer of Retention Plan for Orthodontists in Your Network

Creating a Transfer of Retention Plan for Orthodontists in Your Network

For orthodontists to whom you refer preferentially, I recommend having a discussion about their ideas and preferences regarding retention in general if...

| 10 years ago
Study: Lasers, Rats and the Future of Dentistry

Study: Lasers, Rats and the Future of Dentistry

A new Harvard-led study published in the journal, Science Translational Medicine, has determined that the use of low-powered lasers can stimulate stem...

| 10 years ago
TMJ Is Not a Disease

TMJ Is Not a Disease

Every practice has patients who present saying 'I have TMJ'. The temporomandibular joint is the most complex joint in the human body and can be affected...

| 10 years ago
Does Your Team Have Occlusion Confusion?

Does Your Team Have Occlusion Confusion?

The term occlusion is often associated with confusion, ambiguity and varying philosophies. Being equipped with a dental team that has an understanding...

| 10 years ago
The 'Can Opener' Technique

The 'Can Opener' Technique

Coming into Dr. Spear's practice in the late 90s exposed me to a variety of implant restorations – a large number of which had been in place for...

| 10 years ago
What Your Team Should Know About the TMJ

What Your Team Should Know About the TMJ

The term occlusion can be a tricky concept for even the most seasoned dental team member. In order to completely grasp the topic of occlusion, it helps...

| 10 years ago
Get Your Team Up to Speed on Occlusion

Get Your Team Up to Speed on Occlusion

An understanding of the general concepts of occlusion within a practice can create a foundation that brings more predicable long-lasting dentistry, while...

| 10 years ago
Why Should Your Team Care About Occlusion?

Why Should Your Team Care About Occlusion?

The term occlusion is one that has been routinely associated with confusion, ambiguity and varying philosophies. In fact, the topic of occlusion is often...

| 10 years ago
Sophisticated Simplicity: The SAM 3

Sophisticated Simplicity: The SAM 3

The SAM 3 is my go-to articulator system due to its reliability in calibration, clean design and the ability to tailor the scope of programming....

| 10 years ago
The General Dentist's Role in Managing Retention

The General Dentist's Role in Managing Retention

I met a friend for lunch recently and she told me she was talking about me the previous weekend. I don't know about you, but it always gets my attention...

| 10 years ago
Living in a Digital World

Living in a Digital World

Digital cameras are great to have in your practice because they allow the photographer to pick the quality and resolution of the image being exposed....

| 10 years ago