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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Future of Dentistry: Continuing Education in the Digital Age

The Future of Dentistry: Continuing Education in the Digital Age

Spear Talk moderators and campus mentors Drs. Jeff Bonk and Jeff Lineberry discuss what the future holds for dental continuing education—on campus and online.

| 2 years ago
Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Daniel Balderrama

Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Daniel Balderrama

Meet Dr. Daniel Balderrama, an Illinois-based practice owner and Spear member who transformed his team through continuing education with Spear.

| 2 years ago
Seven Proven Ways to Ramp Up Your Referral Relationships

Seven Proven Ways to Ramp Up Your Referral Relationships

Ready to supercharge your referral relationships? Resident faculty expert Aimee Fletcher shares focused and effective strategies for dental specialists.

| 2 years ago
Creating Psychological Safety in the Dental Practice – Three Key Considerations

Creating Psychological Safety in the Dental Practice – Three Key Considerations

Psychological safety is the key to growth and innovation in the dental practice—but how can you foster it? Dr. Ricardo Mitrani shares tips from his own experience.

| 2 years ago
Building Trust through Better Communication – a Conversation with Amy Morgan

Building Trust through Better Communication – a Conversation with Amy Morgan

Practice management expert Amy Morgan discusses why communication is the key to building (and rebuilding) trust in a noisy world.

| 2 years ago
3 Guiding Principles for New Dentists

3 Guiding Principles for New Dentists

Dr. Ricardo Mitrani shares his advice for new dentists and recent dental school graduates to create a meaningful and prosperous career.

| 2 years ago
Post-Pandemic Dentistry: TMD Fact and Fiction

Post-Pandemic Dentistry: TMD Fact and Fiction

Dr. Jim McKee explores why the pervasive myth behind TMD could contribute to missed diagnoses and improper treatment—and how doctors and teams can avoid it.

| 2 years ago
Sneak Peek: Case Acceptance Bootcamp with Adam McWethy

Sneak Peek: Case Acceptance Bootcamp with Adam McWethy

What's the key to successfully implementing Patient Education in your practice? Find out this week in Adam McWethy's three-part Case Acceptance Bootcamp.

| 2 years ago
Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Anthony Nguyen

Spear Member Highlight – Dr. Anthony Nguyen

Meet Dr. Anthony Nguyen – a restorative dentist, UCLA faculty member and new practice owner – and learn how this ambitious dentist prepared...

| 2 years ago
6 Key Factors for Getting Patients to Say “Yes” to MRIs and CBCTs

6 Key Factors for Getting Patients to Say “Yes” to MRIs and CBCTs

Dr. Jim McKee discusses the six key clinical factors that can help uncertain patients recognize the value in TMJ imaging.

| 2 years ago
The Global Evolution of Spear Study Clubs

The Global Evolution of Spear Study Clubs

Dr. Ricardo Mitrani discusses how a recent global Spear Study Club event represented an important milestone for the clinical community and the future...

| 2 years ago
Collective Intelligence and the Future of Dentistry

Collective Intelligence and the Future of Dentistry

In our series kickoff, Dr. Jeff Bonk explores the concept of 'collective intelligence,' the future of dentistry and the power of the Spear community.

| 2 years ago