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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Alginate - The Best Block Out Material

Alginate - The Best Block Out Material

If you do removable prosthodontics there are many times that impressions of teeth and ridges need to be made with teeth that will ultimately be extracted.

| 9 years ago
Triple Tray Trouble

Triple Tray Trouble

This article describes the benefit of using a triple tray for impressions, but also discusses the one instance when a triple tray can present a problem.

| 9 years ago
Triad … A Dentist’s Best Friend

Triad … A Dentist’s Best Friend

I recently agreed to see a new patient emergency during my lunch time to 're-cement his broken temp.' The patient was in town for a business meeting and...

| 9 years ago
Got Tissue Issues?

Got Tissue Issues?

When your implant abutment or crown/bridge framework on an implant won't seat, chances are it's a tissue issue. When you seat your provisional abutments and...

| 9 years ago
Can We Talk Contact?

Can We Talk Contact?

We have all been trained to seat restorations with a solid contact to adjacent teeth. We usually determine this with the 'snap' of the floss. It's a happy...

| 9 years ago
Maintain Tissue Shape on Implant Site

Maintain Tissue Shape on Implant Site

The following technique is something I discovered that works very well for maintaining the tissue shape on an implant site when lab work is being done...

| 9 years ago
Oops I Did it Again! Insufficient Reduction

Oops I Did it Again! Insufficient Reduction

It's regrettable to me that after preparing and impressing a tooth for a crown, the laboratory will notify me that the tooth had insufficient reduction....

| 9 years ago
Fifty Shades of Gray: Matching Single Centrals

Fifty Shades of Gray: Matching Single Centrals

Not the book – and hopefully not that single central you are trying to match. However, we do occasionally have to shade a single central with a...

| 9 years ago
Provisionals with Ease and Accuracy

Provisionals with Ease and Accuracy

At the 2014 Spear Summit, a dentist asked me what was the most predictable, easy and accurate way to make provisionals for single units or 3-4 unit...

| 10 years ago
Teachable Moments in Dentistry

Teachable Moments in Dentistry

I recently restored a 17-year-old female with congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors that had recently completed her orthodontics. Her mother...

| 10 years ago
Tale of the Tape

Tale of the Tape

One of my dental colleagues recently asked me about Teflon Tape and its use in adhesive dentistry. I've used it almost every day...

| 10 years ago
Maintain Tissue Shape on Implant Site

Maintain Tissue Shape on Implant Site

The following technique is for maintaining the tissue shape on an implant site when lab work is being done to customize the impression abutment....

| 10 years ago