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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Why You NEED to See Double

Why You NEED to See Double

The requirement that most new dental school graduates carry to their first business opportunities, namely being able to pay off their tremendous amount...

| 10 years ago
Dental Insurance in the 21st Century

Dental Insurance in the 21st Century

Put a group of dentists together and before long the discussion invariably turns to dental insurance. Today, if those dentists are in the states of Washington...

| 10 years ago
The World Seeks Great Dentistry

The World Seeks Great Dentistry

This week at the Spear campus I am reminded that dental health professionals of all ages and experience levels from all around the world are seeking the...

| 12 years ago
Electronic Health Records: Mandate or No Mandate

Electronic Health Records: Mandate or No Mandate

At some point during the past several years you might have heard that the federal government will soon be mandating that all dental practices, as well...

| 12 years ago
Help Them Ask

Help Them Ask

Yesterday, Cheryl's Buick told her to pull over and turn off the engine. She did. Cheryl has always listened to those with more information than her and...

| 12 years ago


I'm planning for a patient appointment shortly after New Year's, and part of my preparation is putting together the appropriate checklist. Do you use...

| 12 years ago
Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

When my glasses suffered a unilateral fatality yesterday I anticipated several days of 'imbalance' as we complete 10 days packed with four...

| 12 years ago
A Reminder About the Process

A Reminder About the Process

I was speaking to a patient recently and I asked if she wanted to do something about her 'gummy smile.' 'What gummy smile?' she responded, and then asked for a...

| 14 years ago