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Spear Digest Dental Articles

A New Source to Generate Teeth?

A New Source to Generate Teeth?

According to a recent news release, stem cells derived from urine can be used to generate tooth-like structures, as reported in a recent study published...

| 10 years ago
Study: Research Suggests Gingival Stem Cells Can be Used in Tissue Regeneration

Study: Research Suggests Gingival Stem Cells Can be Used in Tissue Regeneration

According to a recent news release, the International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR / AADR) published a paper titled...

| 10 years ago
Visits to Emergency Rooms Due to Dental Problems on the Rise

Visits to Emergency Rooms Due to Dental Problems on the Rise

According to the ADA Health Policy Resources Center, more people are heading to the emergency room with dental problems, an increase largely driven by...

| 10 years ago
New Discussion Forum Stirs Up Chatter Between Dentists

New Discussion Forum Stirs Up Chatter Between Dentists

When clinicians have questions, Spear TALK connects them with other dentists to find the answers. All clinicians have been there. You have a patient...

| 10 years ago
Quarterly Spotlight: April-June 2013

Quarterly Spotlight: April-June 2013

As we continue to offer insightful content by the Spear faculty and guest writers each month, we want to make certain that you don't miss any of it. The...

| 10 years ago
Can Early Exposure to BPA Damage Enamel?

Can Early Exposure to BPA Damage Enamel?

A recent press release suggests that teeth can be affected by bisphenol A (BPA). This is based on the conclusions of work carried out by the research...

| 10 years ago
Study: Gum Disease Causing Bacteria Also Destroys Bone

Study: Gum Disease Causing Bacteria Also Destroys Bone

According to a recent media release, a University of Michigan study found the newly discovered bacterium that causes gum disease also triggers normally...

| 10 years ago
Improve Your Bitewings With a Cotton Tip Applicator

Improve Your Bitewings With a Cotton Tip Applicator

If you're like me, you or your team has trouble getting the contacts on bitewings open at times. I would like to share a simple tip to help you get those...

| 10 years ago
Facts and Figures: The High-Speed Handpiece

Facts and Figures: The High-Speed Handpiece

1957: S.S. White Company introduced the Borden Airotor, the first successful air-driven handpiece. This instrument is regarded as the precursor...

| 10 years ago
It's Okay to Be Cheesy

It's Okay to Be Cheesy

As stated in a recent EurekAlert! media release, there has been little research about how dairy products affect oral health. However, according to a...

| 10 years ago
Report: Billions Suffer From Major Tooth Decay

Report: Billions Suffer From Major Tooth Decay

A recent EurekAlert! press release states, billions of people across the globe are suffering from major untreated dental problems, according to a new...

| 10 years ago
When to Use a Custom Incisal Guide Table?

When to Use a Custom Incisal Guide Table?

A common question asked of me is: 'When should I make or prescribe a custom incisal guide table?' If there is no pathway wear, generally there is not a...

| 11 years ago