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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Why Dentists Shouldn't Be Bankers

Why Dentists Shouldn't Be Bankers

How much are you paying your patients for the privilege of performing their dentistry? Make no mistake, as long as you're carrying outstanding accounts...

| 11 years ago
This is What Makes Your Brand

This is What Makes Your Brand

In business everyone understands how desirable it is to achieve 'brand recognition.' But out of all the things people perceive about you and your practice, what...

| 11 years ago
What is Your Hygiene Gap?

What is Your Hygiene Gap?

Don't let downtime in your hygiene schedule fool you into thinking there is no room for growth. Every schedule will have some down time. However, almost...

| 11 years ago
An Important Message for Young Dentists Who Want to Buy a Practice

An Important Message for Young Dentists Who Want to Buy a Practice

When most dentists envision buying a practice they see the process as being a quick turnaround transfer of power: 'I give you the money, you introduce...

| 11 years ago
Thoughts on Being a Volunteer

Thoughts on Being a Volunteer

I just finished a week at Open Wide Foundation's clinic in Peronia, Guatemala. It was a chance for me to grow, yet again, in this life I love. I...

| 11 years ago
Let Patients Have Their Say

Let Patients Have Their Say

During an average patient visit how much time do you spend talking? It may seem natural that you would be the one with more to say during a consultation;...

| 11 years ago
Meeting Dentists Around the Globe

Meeting Dentists Around the Globe

Having celebrated my one year anniversary with Spear (can you believe it?!) I took a couple weeks off to explore the globe and embarked on a cruise...

| 11 years ago
What is the Future of Dentistry?

What is the Future of Dentistry?

At the end of a recent webinar I delivered, I was asked the following question: 'What do you see the future of dentistry looking like in the next five...

| 11 years ago
Selling Your Practice in a Few Years? Don't Make this Mistake

Selling Your Practice in a Few Years? Don't Make this Mistake

It's natural for owner-doctors who are looking toward retirement to want to scale back re-investment in their practices. Why sink a lot of money into...

| 11 years ago
What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself?

What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself?

Psychologists call it self-talk; the internal dialogue inside our head that provides a running commentary of our life. It's the voice you hear most often...

| 11 years ago
The Truth is Out There

The Truth is Out There

'If only I knew then what I know now.' We've all said it at one time or another as we look back on our earlier struggles from the vantage point of hard-won experience....

| 11 years ago
How to Supercharge Your Office Manager

How to Supercharge Your Office Manager

How did you select your office manager? What qualities were you looking for? In many cases, an office manager is simply a senior team member who...

| 11 years ago