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Spear Digest Dental Articles

8 Rules for Leading Your Dental Team to Excellence

8 Rules for Leading Your Dental Team to Excellence

Spear VP of Practice Growth, Amy Morgan, shares how to lead your dental team with 8 rules to help improve your leadership, inspire your team to...

| 1 year ago
Dental Office Management Tips to Create a More Efficient Team

Dental Office Management Tips to Create a More Efficient Team

The best dental office management tips address the whole office by improving efficiency through design, tools and systems, and staff development.

| 1 year ago
A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Delegation in Dentistry

A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Delegation in Dentistry

In this article, Dr. Martin Mendelson discusses some of the main issues around delegation and lays out an 8-step plan for delegating in dentistry effectively.

| 1 year ago
7 Dental Team Issues Impacting Practice Performance

7 Dental Team Issues Impacting Practice Performance

Spear VP of Growth Strategy, Amy Morgan, discusses the most common reasons for employee performance shortfalls—and what you can do about dental team issues.

| 1 year ago
To Accept or Not to Accept Dental Insurance Benefits?  3 Questions You Need to Answer First

To Accept or Not to Accept Dental Insurance Benefits? 3 Questions You Need to Answer First

Spear VP of Practice Growth Strategy, Amy Morgan, outlines the questions every dentist should ask before deciding whether to accept dental insurance benefits.

| 1 year ago
Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Dental Patient Retention

Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Dental Patient Retention

By looking deeper into your patient base and asking yourself these 5 questions, you can increase dental patient retention and grow your...

| 1 year ago
Quick 5-Step Guide to Hiring and Training Dental Team Members

Quick 5-Step Guide to Hiring and Training Dental Team Members

With this 5-step guide, hiring and training dental team members will bring more effective and longer lasting results in this competitive job market.

| 1 year ago
Engage with Faculty in New Practice Management Seminars

Engage with Faculty in New Practice Management Seminars

In 'Leading Your Business by the Numbers' and 'Running an Exceptional Business – Managing Musts,' attendees enjoy live interaction with Resident Faculty...

| 1 year ago
Top Five Ways to Improve Dental Office Production

Top Five Ways to Improve Dental Office Production

Spear Education co-founder Imtiaz Manji examines five key 'dials' you can adjust to improve dental office production.

| 1 year ago
ChatGPT and Dental Marketing:  Managing Price Shoppers

ChatGPT and Dental Marketing: Managing Price Shoppers

In this article, Michael Arias explores ChatGPT and dental marketing. By exploring new technologies such as AI in your dental practice, you can quickly...

| 1 year ago
How Diversity in Dental Hygiene Professions Helps Us All

How Diversity in Dental Hygiene Professions Helps Us All

Diversity in dental hygiene improves patient comfort, access, and outcomes. By using specific professional development strategies, you can make your practice...

| 1 year ago
Providing LGBTQ-friendly Dental Care for Patients: Overcoming Dental Phobias

Providing LGBTQ-friendly Dental Care for Patients: Overcoming Dental Phobias

Many LGBTQ patients report discrimination in dental care. Adopting LGBTQ-friendly dental care practices, like gender-neutral language, can help.

| 1 year ago