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Spear Digest Dental Articles

What Implant Is That?

What Implant Is That?

Have your ever inherited a case with an unknown implant type that you need to identify in order to treat?  If it's not happened to you yet count your...

| 9 years ago
Dental Implants: Modifying Provisionals

Dental Implants: Modifying Provisionals

Figure 1 If you are like me, then implants are becoming a bigger and bigger part of your practice. As we know, managing soft tissue around...

| 9 years ago
Loose Implant Restorations

Loose Implant Restorations

As we know in the world of dentistry today implants are becoming increasingly prevalent. And while they are a great option for tooth replacement, they...

| 9 years ago
Implants: Custom Abutment Choices

Implants: Custom Abutment Choices

Have you ever struggled with removing the cement around implant restorations as discussed in my previous article? Or perhaps you have struggled with proper...

| 10 years ago
Soft Tissue Healing Around Dental Implants

Soft Tissue Healing Around Dental Implants

As we all know, proper soft tissue healing is critical around dental implants. Not only must we achieve healthy tissue, but it is often vital to the success...

| 10 years ago
Managing Cement Retained Implants

Managing Cement Retained Implants

While cement retained implants are widely popular, cement sepsis is one issue when it comes to cement retained implants.

| 10 years ago
New Materials: They're Here and More Are Coming

New Materials: They're Here and More Are Coming

As we all know, change is always happening and dentistry is no exception – particularly when it comes to dental materials. Recently there has been a...

| 10 years ago
Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part II]

Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part II]

In Part I of this series I discussed how 'guide cones' can help with open tray implant impressions. In this article I'll discuss forming your tray and...

| 10 years ago
Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part I]

Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part I]

When it comes to implant impressions do you prefer open or closed tray impressions? For me, the biggest reason I prefer closed tray is I hate trying to...

| 10 years ago
Two Fundamental Steps for Implant Planning [Ed.]

Two Fundamental Steps for Implant Planning [Ed.]

Whether you're a specialist or restorative dentist, we are all faced with challenges; however, sometimes these challenges are avoidable with...

| 11 years ago
Implant Planning With CBCT

Implant Planning With CBCT

In a previous article 'Two Fundamental Steps For Implant Planning', I spoke about implant planning and the need for both proper placement and of course...

| 11 years ago
Two Fundamental Steps For Implant Planning

Two Fundamental Steps For Implant Planning

Whether you're a specialist or restorative dentist, we are all faced with challenges; however, sometimes these challenges are avoidable with proper planning....

| 11 years ago