Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Realizing the Opportunity in Cracked Teeth
Cracked teeth are on the rise since the pandemic – and the perfect opportunity to improve patient communication and profitability. Find out...
Adam McWethy | 3 years ago ›Profile of a ‘Bad Patient:’ Why Honest Communication Wins
Patients who stop coming to the practice and need care can be frustrating for practice teams. How do we support our challenging, 'non-complaint' patients?
Adam McWethy | 4 years ago ›Why Dentists Shouldn't Be Afraid of Improving Case Acceptance
Many dentists equate 'improve case acceptance' with 'sell dentistry.' What they should equate it with is improved oral health for their patients.
Adam McWethy | 8 years ago ›Improving Case Acceptance of Root Canal Therapy
Many patients fear root canals without fully understanding the procedure. Through months of research and development, however, Spear discovered the key...
Adam McWethy | 8 years ago ›My Favorite Human Resources Myths - Part 2
This is Part Two of a three part series about Human Resources Myth. You can read Part One here. I want to stress that these HR myths are not unique...
Adam McWethy | 9 years ago ›My Favorite Human Resources Myths - Part 1
I want to stress that these HR myths are not unique to dental offices. I have experienced these in companies large and small, but as business owners,...
Adam McWethy | 9 years ago ›Getting Buy-In From Your Dental Team
In my last article, I talked about one strategy for implementing change in your practice. This concept focused on changing the actions of the dental team...
Adam McWethy | 9 years ago ›One Strategy to Change Staff Behavior
One of the greatest mistakes I have seen countless managers and business owners make is convincing themselves that they will be able to influence everyone's...
Adam McWethy | 10 years ago ›Setting SMART Goals for the Practice
As many of us move into the New Year, we set resolutions. Many times these are grand statements to be a better person, lose weight or spend more time...
Adam McWethy | 10 years ago ›My wife has been a dental assistant for nearly 20 years. It has always been interesting as an HR professional to watch her interactions in the...
Adam McWethy | 10 years ago ›Many times in the hiring process you come down to two final candidates – but now you are torn between which one you want to hire. All in all this...
Adam McWethy | 10 years ago ›In previous articles, I wrote about the hiring process – from how to build a job description to what to ask in an interview. These next few articles...
Adam McWethy | 10 years ago ›