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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Dentistry Makes the List of Best Jobs

Dentistry Makes the List of Best Jobs

Want to hear some news that will make you feel good about being a dentist? Recently, the Bureau of Labor released a list of the 20 top-paying...

| 12 years ago
A Powerful Force of Nature - And Why You Have to Overcome It

A Powerful Force of Nature - And Why You Have to Overcome It

A body at rest tends to remain at rest; a body in motion tends to remain in motion. Many of you will recognize this as a summary of Newton's first law...

| 12 years ago
It's a Matter of Honor

It's a Matter of Honor

Honor is a word that comes with deep-felt meaning and inspires real emotion. That's why when we talk about abundance and gratitude, I prefer to talk in...

| 12 years ago
The Two Vital Signs of Dental Practice Health

The Two Vital Signs of Dental Practice Health

There are a lot of indicators you can measure when assessing the performance of a dental practice but whenever I want to zero in quickly on the pulse...

| 12 years ago
Electronic Health Records: Mandate or No Mandate

Electronic Health Records: Mandate or No Mandate

At some point during the past several years you might have heard that the federal government will soon be mandating that all dental practices, as well...

| 12 years ago
The One Thing You Can Never Escape

The One Thing You Can Never Escape

'If only I could get more of the right kind of patients.' 'If only I could increase my income by 15 percent, my problems would be over.' 'If only I...

| 12 years ago
Four Foolproof Ways to Fail at Your Dental Career

Four Foolproof Ways to Fail at Your Dental Career

It isn't easy, because dentistry is a profession with some built-in conditions that promote success, but if you really want to underperform badly there...

| 12 years ago
Every Dentist Has an Accent

Every Dentist Has an Accent

People comment on my accent all the time. Personally, I don't hear it myself, although I have noticed that many people who remark on it seem to have quite...

| 12 years ago
It’s not about money – or is it?

It’s not about money – or is it?

Regardless of how you define success, that definition has to include an economic reality. 'To me, it's not about money – it's all about family...

| 12 years ago
The Only Way to Escape the Time and Money Crunch

The Only Way to Escape the Time and Money Crunch

If you work for a living, time and money are always linked, so if you favor one, it comes at the expense of the other. The mother who chooses to...

| 12 years ago
What Does It Mean to be an Entrepreneur?

What Does It Mean to be an Entrepreneur?

In all my years of analyzing businesses, I've come to realize that success has some common denominators, which can be seen as the entrepreneur's mindset....

| 12 years ago
Dentistry in the Age of the Tweeting Consumer

Dentistry in the Age of the Tweeting Consumer

'When their mouths are open, the people who come into your practice are patients; when their mouths are closed, they are consumers.' That's a line from a...

| 12 years ago