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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Where to Find the 'Right Patients'

Where to Find the 'Right Patients'

Just about every dentist eventually reaches the point in his or her career when it is time to 'go deeper to go higher.' In the early stages of a practice's development,...

| 11 years ago
The Grand Importance of Small Kindness

The Grand Importance of Small Kindness

One of the more memorable speakers I saw at the recent TED conference was a young woman named Orly Wahba who had a very simple, yet powerful message....

| 11 years ago
The Problem With Cherry-Picking

The Problem With Cherry-Picking

You will probably not be surprised to hear that as the CEO of a dental education company I have strong opinions on the value of continuing education for...

| 11 years ago
A Creative Approach to Problems and Solutions

A Creative Approach to Problems and Solutions

Suppose you're in a busy three-operatory practice with limited space. You have been working on your presentation and value-creation strategies and you...

| 11 years ago
The Path to Real Success

The Path to Real Success

Do what you love and the money will follow. We tell young people this all the time when we are encouraging them to pursue a life of meaning and fulfilment....

| 11 years ago
Why Teams Resist Change

Why Teams Resist Change

I often hear from dentists who say that one of the biggest difficulties they have in implementing change in the practice is getting their team to buy...

| 11 years ago
A New Way of Thinking About Vision

A New Way of Thinking About Vision

Do you have to see it to believe it, or do you have to believe it to see it? That's a question I have often asked when I talk about the importance...

| 11 years ago
'Thoroughly Concise Ignorance'

'Thoroughly Concise Ignorance'

We usually think of ignorance as a negative word. But I heard a speaker at a conference recently who got me rethinking how we should approach the concept....

| 11 years ago
Don't Let This Moment of Opportunity Slip Away

Don't Let This Moment of Opportunity Slip Away

When a patient thanks you after a visit, what do you do? People are often confused when I ask that question. What is there to do? You say something...

| 11 years ago
Never Give Up On Yourself

Never Give Up On Yourself

Every once in a while you come across someone who is really passionate about being good at what they do. When that happens you're usually in for a memorable...

| 11 years ago
Have You Really 'Been There, Done That?'

Have You Really 'Been There, Done That?'

One of the most gratifying things for me as an educator is when I hear from clients who have implemented some of the strategies I've lectured on and been...

| 11 years ago
Setting Fees Based on Your Expertise

Setting Fees Based on Your Expertise

A high-tech, high-volume power plant suffers a breakdown that grinds everything to a halt. All the engineers and maintenance people on the team do everything...

| 11 years ago