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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The 'Blue Marble' Theory of Case Presentation

The 'Blue Marble' Theory of Case Presentation

Imtiaz Manji discusses a better strategy for dental case presentations.

| 8 years ago
How to Connect with Patients in a Hyper-Connected World

How to Connect with Patients in a Hyper-Connected World

Imtiaz Manji looks at the effect of technology on patient-dentist communication and how clinicians can overcome these obstacles.

| 8 years ago
Escaping the Trap of Incremental Thinking

Escaping the Trap of Incremental Thinking

Imtiaz Manji shares a way for dentists to break through barriers to practice growth.

| 9 years ago
The Power of Naive Thinking

The Power of Naive Thinking

Imtiaz Manji explains why dental professionals shouldn't let 'grown-up' fear of obstacles derail their dreams.

| 9 years ago
The Most Important Life Lesson of All

The Most Important Life Lesson of All

Imtiaz Manji discusses life's most important lesson: making the most of your time on Earth.

| 9 years ago
What Dentists Can Learn From This Timeless Relationship Advice

What Dentists Can Learn From This Timeless Relationship Advice

Great dentistry should never be presented as a 'take it or leave it' proposition. It's something you work toward with patients by earning their trust...

| 9 years ago
The Best Way for Dentists to Win the Yelp Game

The Best Way for Dentists to Win the Yelp Game

Like it or not, the battle for patient acquisition is being fought, in large part, on websites like Yelp. And it even affects retention, as patients who...

| 9 years ago
Three Styles of Dental Team Leadership - And the One That Really Works

Three Styles of Dental Team Leadership - And the One That Really Works

Imtiaz Manji shares best practices for dental team leadership and the one style that works.

| 9 years ago
Three Steps to an Amazing Dental Team Rewards Program

Three Steps to an Amazing Dental Team Rewards Program

Imtiaz Manji shares insights on creating an amazing - and working - dental team rewards program.

| 9 years ago
Using Technology to Deliver Great Dental Care ‘In the Now’

Using Technology to Deliver Great Dental Care ‘In the Now’

These days, people are conditioned to expect immediacy and connectivity. Imtiaz Manji shares ways dental offices can use technology to meet this need.

| 9 years ago
Training Your Dental Office to Have the ‘Courage to Try’

Training Your Dental Office to Have the ‘Courage to Try’

There are lots of very talented people who never rise above average. Imtiaz Manji discusses how to overcome this hurdle through dental office training.

| 9 years ago
A Motto for ‘Patient-First’ Dental Practice Team Building

A Motto for ‘Patient-First’ Dental Practice Team Building

Imtiaz Manji, the chairman of Spear, shares an important motto for dental practice team building.

| 9 years ago