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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Patient First Impressions – Setting the Tone for Long-Term Relationships

Patient First Impressions – Setting the Tone for Long-Term Relationships

Patients who resist dentistry present dental teams with an opportunity to embrace those who need the help and comfort to know there is a solution to their...

| 3 years ago
Nothing Lasts Forever: Case Planning for Easier Future Retreatments

Nothing Lasts Forever: Case Planning for Easier Future Retreatments

Learn treatment planning that prevents unnecessary future challenges after things break, to make things easier on you, your patient, and your colleagues.

| 3 years ago
Interproximal Contacts: Assessment and Adjustment

Interproximal Contacts: Assessment and Adjustment

Learn how to increase the predictability of desired interdental contacts and improve collaboration between dental practice and lab technician.

| 3 years ago
CBCT: A Window Into ‘Why’

CBCT: A Window Into ‘Why’

CBCT is a valuable tool to help dentists find solutions to correct and prevent problematic sleep, esthetics, and occlusal issues, and to ensure optimal...

| 3 years ago
Patient History 101 (Lesson 4): Jaw Joint Pain

Patient History 101 (Lesson 4): Jaw Joint Pain

Having an accurate history of a patient's jaw joint pain is invaluable, Dr. Jim McKee explains in his series of articles on patient history.

| 3 years ago
Top 5 Pet Peeves of Labs and Dentists (Part 2)

Top 5 Pet Peeves of Labs and Dentists (Part 2)

In Part 2 of his series, Dr. Bob Winter explores more about dentist-lab relationships and communications that lead to more satisfied...

| 3 years ago
Patient History 101 (Lesson 3): Previous Treatment

Patient History 101 (Lesson 3): Previous Treatment

Having an accurate history of a patient's previous dental treatment is invaluable for accurate treatment planning and predictable outcomes.

| 3 years ago
Top 5 Pet Peeves of Labs and Dentists (Part 1)

Top 5 Pet Peeves of Labs and Dentists (Part 1)

As part of his new series on dentist-lab relationships, Dr. Bob Winter shares perspectives on communications that lead to more satisfied patients.

| 3 years ago
Patient History 101 (Lesson 2): Joint Injuries

Patient History 101 (Lesson 2): Joint Injuries

The restorative dentist has an invaluable tool with accurate patient history of jaw joint injuries. Dr. Jim McKee reveals key questions to ask during...

| 3 years ago
Patient History 101 (Lesson 1): Jaw Joints

Patient History 101 (Lesson 1): Jaw Joints

Having an accurate history of patient jaw joints is invaluable, Dr. Jim McKee explains in this first in a series of articles.

| 3 years ago
Silicone Jig Technique for Cement-Retained Implant Supported Restoration

Silicone Jig Technique for Cement-Retained Implant Supported Restoration

Follow Dr. Mitrani's visual essay to fabricate a silicone jig to control the cement around an implant-retained restoration.

| 3 years ago
TMD: Could It Be More Than Muscle?

TMD: Could It Be More Than Muscle?

TMD pain can be attributed to muscle or a combo of muscle, herniated disks, bone disorders, upper cervical misalignment, and other factors.

| 3 years ago