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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Realizing the Opportunity in Cracked Teeth

Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Realizing the Opportunity in Cracked Teeth

Cracked teeth are on the rise since the pandemic – and the perfect opportunity to improve patient communication and profitability. Find out...

| 2 years ago
Restorative Movement of Mal-aligned Teeth: A Collaborative Approach

Restorative Movement of Mal-aligned Teeth: A Collaborative Approach

Learn a step-by-step approach – for both the dentist and ceramist – to make the restorative movement of teeth...

| 2 years ago
When Patients Present With Confusing Pain

When Patients Present With Confusing Pain

Nine potential causes of pain for patients who don't have an obvious diagnosis.

| 2 years ago
Which Joint Classification System Should I Use?

Which Joint Classification System Should I Use?

Learn how to determine when the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder (RDC/TMD), the Wilkes Classification System and the Piper Classification...

| 3 years ago
How to Transition a Removable Implant-Supported Solution to a Fixed Prosthesis (Part 2)

How to Transition a Removable Implant-Supported Solution to a Fixed Prosthesis (Part 2)

In the final part of his series, Dr. Ricardo Mitrani explains more about helping patients avoid misjudging the value of preexisting dental implants.

| 3 years ago
Oxidative Stress and an Antioxidant Regime for Restorative Dentistry

Oxidative Stress and an Antioxidant Regime for Restorative Dentistry

Dr. Bob Winter reveals an antioxidant regime to help make clinical restorative procedures that manipulate the tissue more predictable.

| 3 years ago
How to Transition a Removable Implant-Supported Solution to a Fixed Prosthesis (Part 1)

How to Transition a Removable Implant-Supported Solution to a Fixed Prosthesis (Part 1)

Dr. Ricardo Mitrani showcases a challenging patient who is treated with a fixed, screw-retained implant provisional restoration utilizing digital technology.

| 3 years ago
Benefits of Deep Margin Elevation for Treating Subgingival Margins

Benefits of Deep Margin Elevation for Treating Subgingival Margins

What do you know about deep margin elevation? Here's an overview into the process and benefits.

| 3 years ago
Oral Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants and Wound Healing

Oral Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants and Wound Healing

Dr. Winter explains how antioxidants affect wound healing, and how they can be used during patient treatment and home care to improve tissue healing.

| 3 years ago
Introduction to Oral Oxidative Stress

Introduction to Oral Oxidative Stress

Dr. Winter presents an overview of dental oxidative stress and the use of natural topical antioxidants to promote homeostasis, enhance wound healing,...

| 3 years ago
Ultra-Conservative Management of the Discolored Tooth

Ultra-Conservative Management of the Discolored Tooth

Explore a more modern, minimally invasive approach to the discolored non-vital teeth using the 'Modified Walking Bleach' approach.

| 3 years ago
Photographic Tooth Inclination

Photographic Tooth Inclination

Dental photography is a key component to the FGTP planning process and the strategic photographic series of images aids the restorative dentist in evaluation...

| 3 years ago