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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Specialist App: 6 Simple Steps to Restorative Treatment Planning

The Specialist App: 6 Simple Steps to Restorative Treatment Planning

Having difficulty communicating with dental specialists? There may not be an actual app for that, but here's six steps to better treatment planning.

| 8 years ago
What's the Right Option for Increasing Overjet?

What's the Right Option for Increasing Overjet?

in this case study, Dr. Donna Stenberg discusses finding the right option for increasing overjet.

| 8 years ago
Power of Sour: Dietary Acids and Oral Hygiene

Power of Sour: Dietary Acids and Oral Hygiene

How can you better help your patients who love their dietary acids? Dr. Donna Stenberg shares resources and things to keep in mind.

| 8 years ago
Finishing Photos: Start the Conversation

Finishing Photos: Start the Conversation

Close to home in the orthodontic practice, photos also give you an opportunity to 'show off' the amazing changes you and the patient have accomplished,...

| 8 years ago
Got Too Much Overjet?

Got Too Much Overjet?

As part of an interdisciplinary team the discussion of overjet is an important one. Do we have too much or not enough?  Both scenarios offer their own...

| 8 years ago
I Won't Do Ortho!!!

I Won't Do Ortho!!!

I hear this is a common statement made by your adult patients when you have orthodontics in your treatment plan. The envisioned scenario goes like...

| 8 years ago
Leaf Gauge and the Orthodontic Finish

Leaf Gauge and the Orthodontic Finish

Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning often includes using mounted casts to evaluate the occlusion and plan the mechanics for treatment. With mounted...

| 8 years ago
The Second Molar Dilemma

The Second Molar Dilemma

Treatment planning in orthodontics includes evaluation of all three facial dimensions; Anterior-posterior, transverse and vertical.

| 9 years ago
Missing Laterals and Esthetic Space Maintenance

Missing Laterals and Esthetic Space Maintenance

Missing upper laterals can present with several challenges to the treating interdisciplinary team. At study club this topic brings up discussions that...

| 9 years ago
Expanding Your Thoughts on Airway

Expanding Your Thoughts on Airway

An increasing number of studies are helping us to become more aware of the effects of airway issues on our adult patients. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA),...

| 9 years ago
Don’t Dismiss the Value of a Fractured Root

Don’t Dismiss the Value of a Fractured Root

Your 60-year-old patient has a long-standing bridge and she notifies you that the bridge is loose. When she comes in to the office you find one of the...

| 9 years ago
Solving the Overjet Puzzle with Play-Doh: Part II

Solving the Overjet Puzzle with Play-Doh: Part II

Once your double layer pour up is trimmed to the wax bite, use a lab saw cut through the distal contact of the teeth to be reset. In this case...

| 9 years ago