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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Learning When to Say No

Learning When to Say No

In almost every episode of every reality show where contestants go up in front of a panel of judges – whether it's budding entrepreneurs on Shark...

| 12 years ago
Are Your Patients Facing a "Big Desk" Barrier?

Are Your Patients Facing a "Big Desk" Barrier?

Did you ever notice how a judge in a courtroom sits higher up and farther back from everyone else? That's no accident – the judge's bench is meant...

| 12 years ago
Send a Message Your Patients Won't Forget

Send a Message Your Patients Won't Forget

It's one of the ironies of modern life that while we are more connected than ever it can be harder than ever to reach someone. A call to a home phone...

| 12 years ago
Your Patient Base: From Scarcity to Abundance

Your Patient Base: From Scarcity to Abundance

We all know that the greatest portion of the earth's surface – about two-thirds – is covered with water. And that seems like an...

| 12 years ago
How to Make a Connection by Changing the Way You Gather Information

How to Make a Connection by Changing the Way You Gather Information

It's a fact of life in dental practices that you need to collect data from new patients. It's also a fact of life that nobody really enjoys sitting and...

| 12 years ago
Don't Give Patients the Fast Food Treatment

Don't Give Patients the Fast Food Treatment

These days employees are so trained to follow a script and gather information in a certain order, they don't even notice when you've given them a lot...

| 12 years ago
Are You Smarter Than a Harvard Student?

Are You Smarter Than a Harvard Student?

Here's a simple puzzle: A bat and ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? If...

| 12 years ago
What is Your Elevator Pitch?

What is Your Elevator Pitch?

Salespeople and jobseekers – and anyone who has to educate and persuade people effectively – are familiar with the term, and it's based on...

| 12 years ago
A Last Chance For a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

A Last Chance For a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

One of the great things about being alive in this time and in this part of the world is that everyone has the opportunity to have an extraordinary life....

| 12 years ago
Is Your Team Ready to Offer Five-Star Service?

Is Your Team Ready to Offer Five-Star Service?

How many times has this happened to you? You go to a restaurant where you have a reservation and they make you wait because your table isn't ready....

| 12 years ago
The Hidden Truth Behind Why Some People Change Dentists

The Hidden Truth Behind Why Some People Change Dentists

The most familiar reason a new patient comes to your practice is because they are 'new to the area.' That makes sense – people move and they need to find...

| 12 years ago
Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

A while ago, my longtime business partner, Dr. Glen Wysel, arrived at the office showing off the renewed dental work Dr. Frank Spear had performed on...

| 12 years ago